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Отиди на
Форум "Наука"

Ewgeni Martschew

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  1. Njet Your Lordship, Y-Dna results would explicate mutations. You can look back by an average time factor as far back as you want and try finding the TMRCA (Time to Most Recent Ancestor). Rds E.Martschew
  2. Hey Genefan, You can explain to all, it's too early to speculate. We know, the autosomal results is what really matters. Rds E. Martschew
  3. "При последните генетични изследвания някои клонове R1b (CTS9219 Балкански кластер) са на една клонка с испанци." Try googling on Roger de Flor or on Catalan Company. Rds Ewgeni Martschew
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_grammar " ... Articles and definite forms The definite article in Swedish is mostly expressed by a suffix on the head noun, while the indefinite article is a separate word preceding the noun. This structure of the articles is shared by the Scandinavian languages. Articles differ in form depending on the gender and number of the noun. The indefinite article, which is only used in the singular, is "en" for common nouns, and "ett" for neuter nouns, e.g. en flaska (a bottle), ett brev (a letter). The definite article in the singular is generally the suffixes "-en" or "-n" for common nouns (e.g. flaskan "the bottle"), and "-et" or "-t" for neuter nouns (e.g. brevet "the letter"). The definite article in the plural is "-na", "-a" or "-en", depending on declension group, for example flaskorna (the bottles), breven (the letters). When an adjective or numeral is used in front of a noun with the definite article, an additional definite article is placed before the adjective(s). This additional definite article is det for neuter nouns, den for common nouns, and de for plural nouns, e.g. den nya flaskan (the new bottle), det nya brevet (the new letter), de fem flaskorna (the five bottles). A similar structure involving the same kind of circumfixing of the definite article with the words där (there) or här (here) is used to mean "this" and "that", e.g. den här flaskan (this bottle), det där brevet (that letter) as a demonstrative article. The five declension classes may be named -or, -ar, -er, -n, and null after their respective plural indefinite endings. Each noun has eight forms: singular/plural, definite/indefinite and caseless/genitive. The caseless form is sometimes referred to as nominative, even though it is used for grammatical objects as well as subject."
  5. :!!!: :!!!: :!!!: Ще помоля всички участници във форума да разгледате руската публикация за скандинавските източници за българите публикувана по преди и да датете мнение. :!!!: :!!!: :!!!:
  6. Sorry to bother you.

    've seen your recent posts: pra-bulgarians ...

    I totally agree with what you are saying. Wont do it myself: been away from home for many years, am not a professional. Just tell them (Raven ...) to scan the ethymological dictionary and pick up a sample of words from the 9/10 century AD. And count how many are of gothic origin. Regards Ewgeni Martschew

За нас

"Форум Наука" е онлайн и поддържа научни, исторически и любопитни дискусии с учени, експерти, любители, учители и ученици.

За своята близо двайсет годишна история "Форум Наука" се утвърди като мост между тези, които знаят и тези, които искат да знаят. Всеки ден тук влизат хиляди, които търсят своя отговор.  Форумът е богат да информация и безкрайни дискусии по различни въпроси.

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