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ВСИЧКО ПУБЛИКУВАНО ОТ новорегистриран3
Забележи, че Уан И се е срещнал с Патрушев. Не с Лавров или Путин, ами с шефа на съвета за сигурност, което може да се трактува по два коренно различни начина: 1. На китаеца не му е отделено особено внимание и не е срещнат с хора от неговия ранг - външен министър, а чак в сряда; 2. Не е губено време в срещи с хора, от които нищо не зависи (Лавров), а се е срещнал с един от взимащите решенията - кагебееца Патрушев. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-22/china-foreign-minister-wang-yi-talks-russia-putin-moscow-beijing/102006412
Има няколко теми във форума за Русия и Китай. Там може да дискутираме Китай отделно Иначе Китай започне ли да прави ленд лийз за руснаците (и то в най-основни неща като муниции и резервни части) нашата малка икономика ще трябва да мине на военновременен режим, за да може да компенсира нуждите на фронта. А в момента сме в нещо като псевдовоенновременна икономика.
Абе, ние се смеем. Обаче руснаците, който ги е подценил, все е съжалявал. Сега руснаците и Запада стягат тила/икономиките си за продължителна война. Ако Китай, дори минимално, подкрепи руснаците, това може да обърне хода на войната. Особено с примери от типа на Германия, която ще ремонтира 20 шейсе годишни танка за половин година.
По-добре така да си остане. Сега не ми се дискутира нищо друго освен войната в Украйна.
Знаеш ли, че с тебе трябваше да водим дискусия за номадите. Ама все ме мързи и вече забравих какво точно беше. Сещаш ли се?
Именно това си го мисля и аз. Каква е причината да не се прави наука като хората, а само фокус върху трактовки от миналото... Разбирам, че в цялата история има много политика, но аз не се чувствам засрамен от това какви са били предците ми. А точно обратното, искам да знам повече за тях.
Предпразнично: Стрелков Игорь Иванович Приходят сообщения о быстрой и успешной контратаке ВСУ севернее Авдеевки. Якобы, противник выбил наши подразделения с позиций, завоеванных еще летом в ходе прошлой попытки обойти Авдеевку. Сообщается об оставлении ряда населенных пунктов. Жду подтверждения или опровержения с места. Стрелков Игорь Иванович Информация о глубоком прорыве ВСУ не подтверждается с места. Не ясно, имеет ли место атака противника вообще. Остаётся Вопрос только о Новоселовке 2-й. Донецк под сильным артиллерийским обстрелом прямо сейчас, много пожаров. Май предстои контраотстъпление от Донецк.
Не съм съгласен. Голямата част от "руzоофилите" са комплексирани по един или друг начин от своето ежедневие/битие или от държавата и народа, към които принадлежат. Те искат да част от нещо по-голямо, по-могъщо и по-значимо. Става въпрос за рационалност (независимо дали е съзнателна или не). Тези хора не виждат бъдеще за себе си в сегашните рамки на България и търсят нови, които биха им дали самочувствието, че са по-значими с/в нещо. Абсолютно същото е с македонистите. Югославия ги кара да се чувстват по-значими с/в нещо и до ден днешен им държи влажно. Има и разлики, като например, че руzоофилите като отидат на запад и черпят от тамошните материални блага, все така продължават да се асоциират с Москва, даже се радикализират до степен на плоскоземци, докато фиромите се стремят по най-бързия начин да се саморазграничат от България и фиром.
Започна нов епизод на цирка с доставката на западните танкове за Украйна. EXCLUSIVE: Ukraine’s M1 Abrams tanks could come from US stockpiles, official says Нищо чудно, че поляците толкова бързо се насочиха към корейските К2, явно са проучвали пазара и са били наясно със състоянието на производствените мощности в страните от НАТО. IDEX 2023 — Nearly a month after announcing its decision to send M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, the United States is still deciding which version is best and whether it will pull those vehicles from existing stockpiles or have them produced, according to a top US State Department official. When Washington announced in late January that it was sending 31 Abrams tanks to Kyiv, it said those vehicles would be M1A2s and that the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative would be used to acquire them. That suggested the vehicles would be procured, rather than pulled from US stocks as part of presidential drawdown authority, a different mechanism to supply arms to Ukraine. However, that decision has not actually been finalized, according to Stanley Brown, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. “They potentially could be a combination of built and out of stockpiles,” he said during an interview with Breaking Defense on the sidelines of IDEX 2023 in the United Arab Emirates. “We have Abrams in the inventory. We have different versions of Abrams, some older…, and I don’t know what specific ones that Ukraine will ultimately get,” he separately added. Brown said it is not clear when a final decision will be made or when those tanks may arrive in Ukraine. Such a move could potentially speed up the delivery of Abrams tanks to Ukraine, in part, because the US should have all the equipment for two US Army armored brigades — including about 87 late-model M1A2 tanks each — already on the continent, retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, a former commander of US Army forces in Europe, estimated last month. “If the administration had the sense of urgency to help Ukraine win, then they’d bring Ukrainian tank crews and commanders to Poland or Germany to match them up with these tanks for training and then put them on a train to Ukraine to be employed how and where and when the Ukrainian General Staff is ready,” he wrote in a Jan. 26 email to Breaking Defense. “This could all happen within the next two or three months.” The Pentagon did not immediately respond off-hours to questions about that possible change of course or what prompted it. However, Brown’s comments highlight the evolving calculus inside the Biden Administration around fielding new weapons to Ukrainian forces, showing a unified front with international partners and allies, and striking a balance between existing inventories and production lines. For example, on Jan. 25 Washington announced it would send Abrams tanks to Ukraine just hours before Berlin said it too would free German-made Leopards for the fight but at a quicker clip. Although the Biden administration went ahead with that announcement, it declined to disclose details about the plan except to say it would take months as opposed to weeks to get tanks to Ukraine, and those vehicles would not come from units or existing stockpiles. By using the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, it said it would have time to train Ukrainians how to use the vehicles and figure out the in-theater logistics footprint. “While the deliveries will take some time, because this is a procurement, the United States will begin now to establish a comprehensive training program for their use,” one administration official said at the time. “These tanks are complex systems that require a significant amount of training and maintenance, so [the Department of Defense] is currently working through the mechanisms to deliver the fuel and equipment Ukraine will need to operate and to maintain the Abrams.” Later that day, Assistant Secretary of the US Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Douglas Bush told reporters the service was creating a laundry list of options for Pentagon officials to consider before deciding which way to go. “There are multiple courses of action, and it’s not just the tanks,” he said. “We have to be able to [deliver] tanks, support equipment, the training, the ammunition, the fuel… It’s really a bigger picture.”
Дали неразборията е случайна или нарочна, е въпрос за друга дискусия, но лично аз имам все по-големи съмнения, че е нарочно.
Не го знам, от седмици не следя фронта, а случващото се в тила. Германците се показаха като абсолютни некадърници... Тази война показа някои истини: 1. Руската армия е бардак, но руската военна промишленост отстъпва само на американската. 2. Германска армия няма, а военната промишленост е бардак. Швабите са смешни! Не могат да организират доставката на 20 машини Мардер на Украйна. https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise/bericht-probleme-bei-der-panzer-lieferung-an-die-ukraine-krisentreffen-im-ministerium_id_186244829.html 3. Французите са се покрили и само от време на време се обажда Макрон. 4. Англосаксите все още са военна и индустриална сила.
Това е интересно като развитие. Може да е маневра за отвличане на вниманието, може да е и началото на нещо по-голямо. Стрелков Игорь Иванович Ситуация на фронте. Российское пограничье - артиллерийские бои и бои местного (тактического) значения. На отдельных участках ВС РФ вновь перешли границу и вошли на территорию Харьковской области и в течение нескольких дней заняли 1 или 2 приграничных населенных пункта. О наступлении речи пока не идет. Активизировались перестрелки на границах с Сумской областью. Противник продолжает регулярно/ежедневно обстреливать населенные пункты Брянской, Курской и Белгородской областей, стараясь "разбросать" удары (наносимые мобильными "кочующими" батареями и отдельными орудиями) по максимально бОльшему количеству населенных пунктов - с целью деморализации их населения. Фронт по границам ЛНР (от старой границы РФ до Северского Донца) - в целом без изменений. Бои местного значения на Купянском и Краснолиманском направлениях. Укров продолжают постепенно теснить в лесах западнее Кременной.
Russia’s ‘new formula’ to increase tax revenue from oil exporters The Russian authorities continue their efforts to balance the books: after demanding funds from big businesses, they are now looking at oil companies. In particular, the Finance Ministry is changing the way it calculates taxes for oil companies. Instead of relying on prices from energy agency Argus, which currently shows a $40 discount on Russia’s Urals blend compared to benchmark Brent, the ministry will use its own formula. The new formula The Finance Ministry has introduced legislation that will change the rules for calculating taxes on oil companies. At present, the ministry bases Mineral Extraction Tax (MET) and other oil taxes on the market price for Urals crude in the European ports of Rotterdam and Augusta, as reported by Argus. These are the same prices that the ministry publishes every two weeks as its “average price for Urals oil.” The discount on Urals compared to Brent is derived from these figures. Since the European oil embargo came into force late last year, the price for Urals has dropped, and the discount to Brent increased to up to $40 per barrel. From April 1, the Finance Ministry will abandon Argus’ prices altogether. The Urals prices will still be pegged to Brent (this, by the way, explains which the much-discussed alternative Russian benchmark is not a viable option). But the discount will now be set by the Russian authorities. Initially, the discount will drop to $34 per barrel and it will continue to fall step by step until it reaches no more than $25 per barrel in July. This will increase the tax burden on oil companies and help ease Russia’s budget deficit. That deficit is increasing in part due to a fall in oil and gas revenues — last month they were down 46% year on year. Under the new arrangements, Russia is expected to gain up to 700 billion rubles ($9.4 billion) in additional revenue. Moreover, the government will cut subsidies on gasoline and diesel fuel, raising between 150 billion rubles and 300 billion rubles in additional funds. The overall revenue gain is expected to be as much as 1 trillion rubles ($15 billion). The Finance Ministry’s proposed legislation is a compromise agreed between the government and the oil industry. Initially, the proposals were much tougher: the ministry wanted to cut the discount to $20 and impose the changes as quickly as possible. That rush was prompted by the record budget deficit in January that forced the authorities to sell yuan from the National Welfare Fund and borrow on the markets. Combined with an announced reduction in oil production, the new formula will help the Finance Ministry raise the 8 trillion rubles ($115 billion) in oil-and-gas revenues envisioned in the 2023 budget. Economist Alexander Isakov of Bloomberg Economics Russia calculated that, if expenditure and non-oil and gas revenues come in as planned after the implementation of the new formula, the overall budget deficit will be just 4.3 trillion rubles. That’s not far off the government’s planned 2.9 trillion ruble deficit. Can the oil companies pay? With Western sanctions and an enforced pivot towards Asian markets, Russian oil companies may not seem like an obvious cash cow. However, some believe they are not suffering nearly as much as advertised. Since the European Union imposed its oil embargo, the Russian oil market has been extremely opaque — and analysts suspect that companies are, in fact, selling at a discount far less than the publicized $35-40. Sergei Vakulenko, a non-resident fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, has explored this theory in at least two articles, arguing that the Argus prices for Urals lost any meaning after the start of the war. Up until Dec. 5, when Russian oil was still exported to Europe, it was profitable for Russian oil companies to sell at a low price: they could offload cheap crude to their own refineries and then sell the resulting oil products at full market price in Europe. As a result, he suggested, oil companies avoided taxation, circumvented sanctions and made money trading with Europe. Once the European embargo came into force, Vakulenko believes a similar story began to unfold in Asia. Based on analysis of public data and conversations with traders, he suggested that Indian buyers were getting Russian oil at a maximum discount of $10 per barrel, rather than the headline $30 to $40 figure. An analyst at a leading investment bank who spoke with The Bell and said he believed Vakulenko. Much of the difference has been pocketed by trading and shipping companies connected to Russian oil majors. To some extent, Western sanctions have succeeded in making Russian exports less transparent not only for the West but also for the Russian government, Vakulenko told The Bell. “Circumstances have created an enormous rent-capturing opportunity at the expense of Russian state coffers and the European consumer”, said Vakulenko. “The Russian state was deprived of a substantial share of oil revenue.” The new formula put forward by the Finance Ministry should reduce incentives for oil companies to manipulate prices and oblige them to pay more tax. https://thebell.io/en/kremlin-looks-to-squeeze-oil-companies-for-cash/ В продължение на темата за състоянието на руските финанси и икономиката на войната. ZАПИСКИ VЕТЕРАНА Катастрофическая ситуация сложилась с денежным довольствием участников СВО. Масштабы проблемы уже просто неприлично огромны. Эта проблема есть уже в каждой воинской части. В каждом батальоне, в каждой роте и каждом взводе. Тотальная не выплата обещанного и положенного денежного довольствия. Особо страдают в этом плане добровольческие подразделения типа БАРС. Людей, которые добровольцами шли на фронт ещё весной - летом 2022 года просто маринуют и душат бюрократией. Люди по пол года ждут печать на клочке бумаги, чтобы доказать что они участники боевых действий. Потом начинаются круги ада в военкоматах по оформлению статуса ВБД. Круги ада заключаются в том, что бюрократическая машина в воюющих частях просто отвратительно работает. Но самый вопиющий случай, который я знаю это когда человека мобилизовали 22 сентября 2022, а 26 сентября он уже был в Сватово. Мы общались с ним в конце января и на тот момент он не получил от МО ни копейки! На карту ему только приходила зарплата с прежнего места работы. Но и это ещё не все. В ноябре он получил ранение. Есть справка по форме 100. Но платить компенсацию отказываются, мотивируя это тем, что считают ранение недостаточно тяжёлым! Это просто трэш. Человек призван по мобилизации, воююет уже почти пол года, получил ранение и ему не платят! И таких историй я лично уже знаю десятки. Люди ропщут. Копится недовольство и злоба. Если ситуация не изменится, то это приведёт к социальному взрыву в ветеранском сообществе. Оно вам надо!? Необходимо принимать жёсткие меры по нормализации обстановки в этом секторе. Необходимо либо возвращать финансистов в части, либо предпринимать другие меры. Но дальше так нельзя. Дальше будет взрыв.