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Проточовешкият език е говорен някъде в интерала преди 50+/- до преди 150+ хиляди години .. : Ако приемем че праисторическата Ева е говорила на този език, то следва че езикът е на поне 150 000 години. Ако приемем че е езикът е проговорен за първи път от наследниците на Ева , то това първоначално проговаряне трябва да се е случило не по-късно от датата на първата емиграция /изселване на хората от африканския Urheimat (т.е. преди и заселването им на другите места по света). Как е еволюирала ръката? Не знам и затова питам. Има ли нещо по-различно в/на човешката ръка (интересно и важно за оцеляването ни като вид и превръщането ни в доминиращ) , от ръцете на маймуноподобните предшественици?
:) Така както върви хавата, ще стигнем и до калашите от Хиндокуш, упс, до келешите от БЮРМ ха-ха-ха индоирански кости, Ами какво да правим с комшиите от R Turkey, които имат "арменоидни" кости и структура? Те трябва да са траки май, а не скити и саки, нали Херодот беше написал че арменците са фригийски колонисти на езерото ван.. Ужас, пародия и сапунка на н-та степен.
Интересуват ме въпросите: -кога (се предполага, или може да се предполага) че съвременният човек/хора е/са проговорили за първи път на човешки език ; или на някакъв праезик/праезици, предшественик/предшественици на днешните познати. Някой може ли да направи кратък синтез (разказ) (Перкунас, може би?)
- BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES (2001) 24, 309–382 Printed in the United States of America © 2001 Cambridge University Press 0140-525X/01 $12.50 309 Culture in whales and dolphins Luke Rendella and Hal Whiteheada,b aDepartment of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1; bForschungstelle für Ornithologie der Max-Planck- Gesellschaft, 82346 Andechs, Germany. .. ..
ПС Murders committed by youths per capita (most recent) by country (Анджък) DEFINITION: Homicide rate per 100,000 population aged 10–29 years http://www.nationmas...uths-per-capita Японците (0.4 на сто хиляди) , корейците (1.7 на сто хиляди) и българите+ (2.2 сто хиляди) са в долната част на класацията, на върха са младите колумбийци (84.4 на на сто хиляди), а в горната част са латиносите и САЩ - вкл . бразилците (32.5 на сто хиляди) и мексиканците.(15.3 на сто хиляди) /Бразилия и Мексико са с по-висок БПН на глава от населението от България, и са в същата зона като България в класацията по индексът на демокрация (демократичност)/
Южна Корея доколкото знам има рестриктивни и строги закони за огнестрелното оръжие оръжието , и допускам че може да има и други такива в разлини области Освен това не съм сигурен че е демократична страна - ако индексът на демократичност е нисък, тя е извън класацията страните които са демократични) В тази връзка Не знам какво е Корея се приема за престъпление, и ако например драскането по стените на сградите се приема за престъпление (в Сингапур това е престъпление, и се осъжда обикновено на бой с пръчки!) , или неразрешената стачка е престъпление, или пък носенето на джобно ножче е престъпеление, три пъти каране в нетрезво състояние - също (и други такива в тази логика на мисли) - то сравненията ще бъдат некоректни. /казвам го и по друг начин - има разлики между законодателства, и методики, методи и начини на регистриране на престъпленията, има и престъпления които стават такива след определен брой извършени нарушения/ Трябват ми ясни и недвусмислени данни (аз визирах точно определена престъпност и феномен, ама както и да е) Мога да кажа, че със 100 процента сигурност: -броят на убийствата в Южна Корея (брой на 100 000 човека) е в пъти по-малък от този в "горещите" страни от Латинска Америка, и е по-малък от този в нормалните латиноамерикански страни и от САЩ. -броя на изнасилванията (брой на 100 000 човека) в Южна Корея е в пъти по-малък от този в Западна Европа, САЩ, Канада, Австралия, и Нова Зеландия. (тук обаче оказва влияние културния контекст, за който писах по-рано- изнасилванията в родовите (колективистичните) култури са "трудни" за обявяване, по ред причини, и поради това процентът на необявенитеистрираните/нерег изнасилвания в Южна Корея навишава този на необяените в страните от западна Европа, и в САЩ )
Орка=Косатка="Китоубиец", или "кит-убиец" Предполагам че концепцията "орките са културен вид":лежи на следното: - Видът оцелява (вкл. "вади си хляба и прехраната") чрез/посредством обучение - предаване на наученото; - групите осъществяват различни културни трансформации при промяна на средата ( и съответно - това което тя им предлага като храна). Understanding Orca Culture Researchers have found a variety of complex, learned behaviors that differ from pod to pod By Lisa Stiffler Smithsonian magazine, July-August 2011, Subscribe Scientists have found increasing evidence that culture shapes what and how orcas eat, what they do for fun, even their choice of mates. (Michael Parfit / Mountainside Films) Orcas have evolved complex culture: a suite of behaviors animals learn from one another. They communicate with distinctive calls and whistles. They can live 60 years or more, and they stay in tightknit matrilineal groups led by older females that model specific behaviors to younger animals. Scientists have found increasing evidence that culture shapes what and how orcas eat, what they do for fun, even their choice of mates. Culture, says Hal Whitehead of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, “may be very important to them.” Some of the first evidence of cultural differences among orcas came from studies of vocalizations in whales that frequent the coastal waters of British Columbia and Washington State. Such “residents” belong to four clans, each with multiple groups. While the clans live close together—their ranges even overlap—their vocalizations are as different as Greek and Russian. And smaller groups called pods have dialects akin to a Southern drawl or a clipped New England accent. Among orcas, food preferences tend to be distinct. Resident orcas, researchers found, eat chinook and chum salmon. And orcas share meals, particularly between mothers and offspring. A mother orca—a 7,000-pound behemoth—will hold a salmon in her mouth while her calves chew on it. And thus the group’s preference for chinook may be transmitted to the next generations. “Transient” orcas, which swim in the same waters as residents but roam more widely, hunt marine mammals such as seals, porpoises and sea lions. “Offshore” orcas, which are found ten miles or more from shore from Alaska to California, eat so much shark their teeth get worn to the gums from chewing their prey’s sandpapery skin. In Antarctica, one orca population prefers penguins, while another likes minke whales. Other behaviors vary from group to group. Some resident killer whales in British Columbia frequent “rubbing beaches” where they scrape along pebbly rocks; other groups in the same waters don’t go in for body scratching. Residents in the Salish Sea (coastal waters around Vancouver Island and Puget Sound)—the group to which the young Luna belonged—have a reputation for being unusually frolicsome. They wag their tails, slap their pectoral fins and “spyhop”—bob into the air to get a better look at the above-water world. They also engage in “greeting ceremonies” in which whales line up in two opposing rows before tumbling together into a jostling killer whale mosh pit. “It looks like they’re really having a great time,” says Ken Balcomb, a biologist with Washington’s Center for Whale Research. But adhering to strict cultural norms can have serious consequences. While there are about 50,000 orcas worldwide, the Salish Sea’s residents are down to fewer than 90 animals—and social mores appear to prevent them from mating outside their group, creating an inbred population. Meanwhile, though the residents’ preferred food, chinook, is scarce, the orcas’ upbringing seems to make them reluctant to eat sockeye and pink salmon, which are abundant. “The rules hold,” says Howard Garrett, co-founder of Orca Network, a Washington-based educational organization. “They depend on their society and live accordingly by old traditions.” Lisa Stiffler is an environmental writer in Seattle. Read more: http://www.smithsoni...l#ixzz2GxOsS8go Follow us: @SmithsonianMag on Twitt ..
Статистика на регистрираните престъпления 1998-2008 (числата в таблицата са "хиляди") Източникът за регистрираните престъпления е eurostat http://appsso.eurost...rim_gen&lang=en http://epp.eurostat....e_statistics/bg Действителните престъпления - тези които въпреки че са престъпления не се регистрират от полицията като такива по една или друга причина, и/или такива които не се съобщават от жертвите, са повече (за България- те са в пъти пъти повече от регистрираните, според изследванията на организации), но и при тях тенденцията е същата - да намаляват. http://epp.eurostat....e_statistics/bg Няма място за тревоги , че ще има увеличаване на броя на престъпленията /Иначе - нивата на престъпността (брой действителни престъпления на 100 000 човека) в България, сравнени е с тези в Европа, са височки. Ако се гледат само регистрираните престъпления, то излиза че ние страна с крайно ниски нива на престъпност, едва ли не страната с най-ниска престъпност в Европа, но това не е вярно/
Убеден съм че нивата на престъпността и агресията (включително "на" и "сред" младите) в България ще продължават да намаляват /Статистиката по спомените ми показваше, че те намаляват.от 2000 -та година, или края на 90-години/ Мисля, че това което може да създаде моментен пик* в нивата на престъпността, е рязкото покачване на нивата на безработица, но доколкото съм запознат, такова не се очаква за България в близките години (*)предполагам с повече от 50 процента вероятност, че дори и при "супербезработица", обществото ще успее да си изработи/намери вътрешни защитни механизми и сили, и след първоначалното нарастване на нивата на престъпноста, те ще започват да намаляват . Това вече се случи един път нв края на 90-те години, когато "линията" тръгна надолу. Забележка: не визирам корупцията и организираната престъпност, а "битовата" такава.
Информация за броя на гангстерите в САЩ: В 1996 година в САЩ има 31 000 ганстерски банди, с около 870 000 - 900 000 членове /Средната възраст на гангстерите в САЩ е 17-18 години/ U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Youth Gangs: An Overview https://www.ncjrs.go...iles/167249.pdf
Като чета какво става във гимназиите в САЩ -Ужас.. • A World Heath Orо • In 2005, 5,686 young people ages 10 to 24 were murdered--an average of 16 each day. [Youth Violence Facts at a Glance, Summer 2008, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)] • Direct expenditures for corrections (i.e., prisons and jails) by local, state and federal governments between 1982 and 2005 increased 619 percent to $65 billion per year. [Direct Expenditures by Criminal Justice Function, 1982-2005, Bureau of Justice Statistics] • In the U.S., youth homicide rates are more than 10 times that of other leading industrialized nations, on par with the rates in developing countries and those experiencing rapid social and economic changes. The youth homicide rate in the U.S. stood at 11.0 per 100,000 compared to France (0.6 per 100 000), Germany (0.8 per 100 000), the United Kingdom (0.9 per 100 000) and Japan (0.4 per 100 000). [World Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization 2002] • With less than 5 percent of the world's population, the United States has nearly 25 percent - 2.3 million - of its prisoners. [san Francisco Chronicle, Norway, California: Contrast in criminal treatmentSaturday, August 13, 2011] A major study by the non-partisan Washington State Institute for Public Policy found that for every dollar spent on county juvenile detention systems, $1.98 of “benefits” was achieved in terms of reduced crime and costs of crime to taxpayers. By contrast, diversion and mentoring programs produced $3.36 of benefits for every dollar spent, aggression replacement training produced $10 of benefits for every dollar spent, and multi-systemic therapy produced $13 of benefits for every dollar spent.1 1 The Juvenile Justice System in Washington State: Recommendations to Improve Cost-Effectiveness, 2002 • Persons under the age of 25 accounted for 50 percent of those arrested for murder and 65 percent of those arrested for robbery in 2006. [Youth Violence Facts at a Glance, Summer 2008, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)] • In 2007, approximately 14,000 terrorist incidents occurred worldwide, and deaths caused increased to 22,000 persons. [Report on Terrorist Incidents, 2007 (issued April 2008), National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)] • One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape, and 10% of sexual assault victims are men. [2004 National Crime Victimization Survey] • In 2001, almost 21,000 homicides and 31,000 suicides occurred; and almost 1.8 million people were assaulted, while about 323,000 harmed themselves and were treated in hospital emergency departments. (Surveillance for Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries – 2001, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Vital Statistics System) • Worldwide, an estimated 1.6 million people lost their lives to violence in 2000. About half were suicides, one-third were homicides, and one-fifth were casualties of armed conflict. [World Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization, 2002] • Homicide was the second leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24 in 2001. Suicide was the third leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 24 in 2002. [Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System – 2002, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] • The health-related costs of rape, physical assault, stalking and homicide committed by intimate partners exceed $5.8 billion each year. Of that amount, nearly $4.1 billion are for direct medical and mental health care services, and nearly $1.8 billion are for the indirect costs of lost productivity or wages. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States, April 2003.) • A 1992 study in the United States put the annual cost of treating gunshot wounds at $126 billion. Cutting and stab wounds cost an additional $51 billion. (Miller TR, Cohen MA.,. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 1997, 29:329–341.) Corrections and Public Safety Information (from the Pew Charitable Trusts website 2009) Corrections costs have risen from $9 billion 25 years ago to $60 billion today. According to a report released in February, 2008 by the Pew Center on the States’ Public Safety Performance Project: 2,319,258 adults were held in American prisons or jails. That’s one in every 99.1 men and women at the start of 2008. U.S. Dept. of Justice data (2006): 1 in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 was behind bars. 1 in 9 for black males in that age group. National recidivism rate remains virtually unchanged … about half of released inmates return to jail or prison within 3 years. While violent criminals and other serious offenders account for some of the growth, many inmates are low-level offenders or people who have violated the terms of the probation or parole. During the last 20 years states’ spending on corrections jumped 315%. Website: • Seventeen percent of high school girls have been abused physically; twelve percent of high school girls have been abused sexually. (The Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse Among Girls and Young Women Ages 8-22, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 2003) • About 1 in 3 high school students say they have been in a physical fight in the past year, and about 1 in 8 of those students required medical attention for their injuries. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth risk behavior surveillance – United States, 2001. In: CDC Surveillance Summaries, June 28, 2002. MMWR, 51(SS-4), p. 5.) • In the United States, some 31,000 gangs were operating in 1996 in about 4800 cities and towns. [World Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization 2002] • Over 70 percent of School Resource Officers surveyed felt that aggressive behavior in elementary school children has increased in their districts in the past five years. (2003 NASRO School Resource Officer Survey, National Association of School Resource Officers) • Of children in sixth through tenth grade, more than 3.2 million-nearly one in six-are victims of bullying each year, while 3.7 million bully other children. (“Bullying Prevention is Crime Prevention,” Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2003) • Nearly 60 percent of boys who researchers classified as bullies in grades six through nine were convicted of at least one crime by the age of 24. Even more dramatic, 40 percent of them had three or more convictions by age 24. (“Bullying Prevention is Crime Prevention,” Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 2003) • A significant number of School Resource Officers (SROs) reported budget cuts for school safety funding in their local school districts, inadequacies in federal school safety funding, and the need for an “Education Homeland Security Act” to fund school terrorism training, improve security and crisis planning, and support SRO programs. (2003 NASRO School Resource Officer Survey, National Association of School Resource Officers) • A study on the cost-effectiveness of early intervention to prevent serious crime in California, showed that training for parents whose children exhibited aggressive behavior was estimated to have prevented 157 serious crimes (such as homicide, rape, arson and robbery) for every $1 million spent. In fact, training in parenting skills was estimated to be about three times as cost-effective as the so-called ‘‘three-strikes’’ law in California. [Greenwood PW et al. Diverting children from a life of crime: measuring costs and benefits. Rand, 1996.] • Domestic Violence is the single greatest cause of injury to women. [Journal of Amer. Med. Assoc.] • In 2005, there were 191,670 victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assaults according to the 2005 National Crime Victimization Survey • 22% of women in the U.S. have reported being physically assaulted by an intimate partner. [Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, 1999 (Population Reports, Series L, No. 11)] • In the year 2001, more than half a million American women (588,490 women) were victims of nonfatal violence committed by an intimate partner. (Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003) • In 2001, 41,740 women were victims of rape/sexual assault committed by an intimate partner. (Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003.) • As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy. (Gazmararian JA, Petersen R, Spitz AM, Goodwin MM, Saltzman LE, Marks JS. “Violence and reproductive health; current knowledge and future research directions.” Maternal and Child Health Journal 2000;4(2):79-84.) • The World Health Organization declared that violence is a leading worldwide public health problem. [World Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization 2002] • 37% of women treated in emergency rooms for violent injuries were hurt by a current or former partner. ["Violence Related Injuries Treated in Hospitals." US Dept. of Justice, August 1997] • 44 - Percentage of women murdered by an intimate partner who vistied an emergency room in the two years prior to their deaths. ["Predicting Future Among Women in Abusive Relationships." The Journal of Trauma Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 2004.] • A 1992 study estimates that direct and indirect costs of gunshot wounds $126 Billion. Cutting and stab wounds cost an additional $51 billion. [Accident, Analysis and Prevention, 1997, 29:329–341.] • Nearly 16 children a day died in 1997 as a result of a firearms homicide, suicide or unintentional shooting. [Children’s Defense Fund, 1998] • Handguns are used in 80 percent of homicides, nearly 70 percent of suicides and nearly all accidental shootings. [Prevention First] • Between 1986 and 1992, the total number of children killed by firearms rose by 144 percent. [National Campaign to Reduce Youth Violence] • From 1985 to 1993, murders committed by people over age 25 dropped 20 percent; but they increased 65 percent among 18- to 24-year-olds and increased 165 percent among 14- to 17-year-olds. [Northeastern University’s College of Criminal Justice] • From 1985 to 1992, the homicide rate for 16-year-olds increased 138%, while the rate among 18-year-olds doubled, and the rate for 24-year-olds and above either remained the same or declined. [National Institute of Justice Research Preview, 1995] • $48,000,000 - Amount by which federal family violence prevention services program were under funded in 2005. [Campaign for funding to end violence againt women. FY Budget Briefing Book.] • Children in adult jails commit suicide eight times as often as their counterparts in juvenile facilities. In addition, children in adult facilities are five times more likely to be sexually assaulted, and twice as likely to be beaten by jail staff. [Children’s Defense Fund, 1998] • Annual rates of firearm homicides for youths age 15-19 increased 155% between 1989 and 1994. [National Summary of Injury Mortality Data, 1987-1994; National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1996] • In the United States, some 31,000 gangs were operating in 1996 in about 4800 cities and towns. [World Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization 2002] • Large cities claim that 72% of their school violence is attributable in part to gang activity. [National League of Cities 1994 survey of 700 U.S. cities] • In Los Angeles County between 1981 and 1992, 15,000 people died of AIDS, but 22,000 died as a result of homicide. [Los Angeles Department of Health Services] • In Los Angeles County between 1981 and 1992, a child between five and nine was slain, on average, every eight and a half days. [Los Angeles Department of Health Services] • In Los Angeles County, the use of semiautomatic handguns in gang-related killings has more than quadrupled, to more than 40 percent. [Los Angeles Department of Health Services] • In 1992, handguns killed 33 people in Great Britain, 36 in Sweden, 97 in Switzerland, 60 in Japan, 13 in Australia, 128 in Canada, and 13,200 in the United States. [Handgun Control Inc., cited in The Washington Post, 1998] Additional Data: (sources not secure) - every 15 seconds a women in U.S. is beaten by current or former husband or intimate partner -30% of female murder victims are killed by intimate partners. -A woman is battered every 13 seconds -Between 2 & 4 million women abused annually -1,500 - 2,000 women are murdered each year by current or former partners(FBI) -2/3 of men who beat their wives also abuse their children (stark & fitcraft) -1/3 of all teenagers report having experienced violence in a dating relationship -4 million women are victims of severe assaults by boyfriends & husbands each year. -1 in 4 are likely to be abused by a partner in her lifetime (sara glazer,"violence against women," CQ reseacher congressional quarterly inc.vol13,no.8 feb 1998.p.171.) -Females are victims of family violence at a rate of 3 times that of males (bureau of justice stats.hglghts from 20 yrs. Of surveying crime victims dept of justice 1993 p25) -30% of female murders in 1992 were by husbands or boyfriends (U.C.R.FBI 1993.p.16) -Battered women increase risk of being murdered when they try to escape (NYC dept of health) -81% of men who batter had fathers who abused their mothers (n.j. dept. of community affairs divison of women) -1500 American women are murdered by husbands or boyfriends each year (FBI UCS.1996) School Statistics 1996-97 School violence reported: 4,170 rape or sexual battery 7,150 robberies 10,950 physical attack or fight w/weapon 98,490 vandalism 115,500 theft larceny Source: U.S. dept of ed. National center for edu. Stats College Campus in U.S. crime stats. National center for education stats. 1996-97 School year 50 states reported expelling an estimated 6,093 of the 46 million public students for bringing a firearm to school. WAR Okinawa 1945 April 1 1945 - Aug.15 1945 13,395 killed 57,000 casualties 4.5 months of battle provided by the 96th RSC affairs office (801) 656 4133 Revolutionary war 4,435 killed Civil war 498,332 killed WWI 116,708 killed WWII 407,316 killed Korea 25,604 killed Vietnam 58,168 killed Rapes per year 2000- 90,178 2001- 90,491
Колко на брой са бандите в Корея и колко членове имат? Колко от членовете са млади хора? Пишеш "много", но това не е информативно, това "много" трябва да бъдат срвавнено с "многото" в САЩ В САЩ има над 30 000 гангстерски банди За триадите:..Триадите са китайски по произход, а китайската култура е най-твърдата. Това измерение или особеност, "твърдостта" ("твърдост или мъжественост" vs "мекост или женственост") влияе в същата посока - демек усилва Искам да отбележа и друго: "мафиите" не са гангстерски банди, те са криминални корпорации, Този вид престъпност има други културни "корени" Нивата на този вид престъпност корелират силно и са в причинно-следствена връзка с две културни измерения/особености, наречени - "колективизьм" ("колективизъм" vs "индивидуализъм") - "неравновластност" ("висока степен на властово разстояние" vs "ниска степен".т.е "неравновластност" vs "равновластност") Китайската, корейската, южноиталианскатаю, руската, албанската, българската .. изобщо културите на 85 процента от населението на света са: повече или силно колективистични, и повече или силно неравновластни.
Горе долу, но не точно това . Това което предлагаше и за което настояваше в началото - един вид (аз така го разбрах) "че разпокъсаните" данни не са ни нужни за да се прави синтез на еволционни хипотези" на мен ми изглеждаше меко казано странно. Защо (мислех че очевидно): защото всеки(*) синтез изисква достъчно данни (набор от данни от физиологията, неврологията, антропологията, когнитивната психология и др). /Опитваме се да сглобяваме пъзела от "разпокъсаните" данни" демек/ (*)синтез на евлюционни хипотези; или сравнителен анализ и синтез на тези качества, които правят човека доминиращ. Нищо не пречи да се правят или предлагат, и обсъждат хипотези за еволюционни сценарии само че аз лично не искам да участвам св такава такава дискусия, в която ще се налагат мнения и виждания каква трябва да е дискусията и кои какво трява да чете и "знае" (в кавички - защото "знаенето" е доста субективна категория), за да участва в дисксусията. Дискусиите според мен трябва са свободни - всеки си казва мнението, ако някой смята че другият греши го поправя или репликира (като се аргументира), нищо повече. (така е в 90-95 процента от подфорумите във форума - аз пиша в повечето от тях, и/или чета, и смятам че имам представа) Драги, ще повторя: Не си задавам такъв въпрос засега. това ми звучи като човекът е доминиращ, защото е приспособяващ се? Ясно ми е че има такова нещо като еволюционен натиск, и че еволционния "натиск" си има своя посока, ама не мога да разбера защо досега бях убеждавам многословно че греша и нищо не разбирам , когато пропонирах нещо подобно, и се говореше за радиации, избухвания на свръхнови, и мутации. Или е обратното: били сме достатъчно интелигентни (и не само?*), за да можем да оцелеем в променяща се среда и непривична среда, с оскъдни ресурси, *Говоря за културата, защото без културата и езика ни (той е културен феномен) мисля, ние нямаше да сме от "оцелелите от Титаник"
- he Discovery of Dolphin Language Researchers in the United States and Great Britain have made a significant breakthrough in deciphering dolphin language in which a series of eight objects have been sonically identified by dolphins. Team leader, Jack Kassewitz of, ‘spoke’ to dolphins with the dolphin’s own sound picture words. Dolphins in two separate research centers understood the words, presenting convincing evidence that dolphins employ a universal “sono-pictorial” language of communication. The team was able to teach the dolphins simple and complex sentences involving nouns and verbs, revealing that dolphins comprehend elements of human language, as well as having a complex visual language of their own. Kassewitz commented, “We are beginning to understand the visual aspects of their language, for example in the identification of eight dolphin visual sounds for nouns, recorded by hydrophone as the dolphins echo located on a range of submersed plastic objects.” The British member of the research team, John Stuart Reid, used aCymaScope instrument, a device that makes sound visible, to gain a better understanding of how dolphins see with sound. He imaged a series of the test objects as sono-pictorially created by one of the research dolphins. In his bid to “speak dolphin” Jack Kassewitz of, based in Miami, Florida, designed an experiment in which he recorded dolphin echolocation sounds as they reflected off a range of eight submersed objects, including a plastic cube, a toy duck and a flowerpot. He discovered that the reflected sounds actually contain sound pictures and when replayed to the dolphin in the form of a game, the dolphin was able to identify the objects with 86% accuracy, providing evidence that dolphins understand echolocation sounds as pictures. Kassewitz then drove to a different facility and replayed the sound pictures to a dolphin that had not previously experienced them. The second dolphin identified the objects with a similar high success rate, confirming that dolphins possess a sono-pictorial form of communication. It has been suspected by some researchers that dolphins employ a sono-visual sense to ‘photograph’ (in sound) a predator approaching their family pod, in order to beam the picture to other members of their pod, alerting them of danger. In this scenario it is assumed that the picture of the predator will be perceived in the mind’s eye of the other dolphins. When Reid imaged the reflected echolocation sounds on the CymaScope it became possible for the first time to see the sono-pictorial images that the dolphin created. The resulting pictures resemble typical ultrasound images seen in hospitals. Reid explained: When a dolphin scans an object with its high frequency sound beam, emitted in the form of short clicks, each click captures a still image, similar to a camera taking photographs. Each dolphin click is a pulse of pure sound that becomes modulated by the shape of the object. In other words, the pulse of reflected sound contains a semi-holographic representation of the object. A portion of the reflected sound is collected by the dolphin’s lower jaw, its mandible,where it travels through twin fat-filled ‘acoustic horns’ to the dolphin’s inner ears to create the sono-pictorial image.
ОК. Аз съм "за"
PS "Socially, (the children) see the violence as the only way to make people respect them -- and as a way to exercise certain power, something that has been denied to their families," Cisneros sai. Анджък. В културите със "себеизтъкване/монументализъм" са важни респектът и властта (положението), в тези култури се толерира продобиването им. Също така, в културите със себеизтъкване/монументализъм има по-голямо социално разделение , включително и бедност (това се толертира, допуска)( отколкото в културите със себезаличаване/гъвкавост, и това допринася за увеличаване на престъпността. Или в тези култури (в това културно измерение) са младежките банди и "пищовите". Свръхбогатите САЩ има същия проблем в излишък - младежките банди и пищовите и изобщо бандите, защото културата им е със преобаладащо "себеизтъкване/монументализъм" , освен това е доста "твърда", т.е.. "мъжествена";. и също така (в САЩ) има бедност и голямо разделение Слушал съм от американци, че в САЩ има градчета , в които хората преживяват с по-малко от десет долара на ден;..Не знам дали някой в тази тема и дискусия има представа какви са доходите от заплатите и бонуси на висшите менаджери, /не собственици/? Аз имам представа и те може да са хиляди пъти (до 20 000 пъти) по високи от тези "десет долара на ден" Някой и да е чувал някога за младежки банди в Скандинавиите, (включвам Холандия и Исландия), или изобщо за банди , или в Корея? Тези култури са със себезаличаване/гъвкавост и там няма банди и "пищови". /вярвате или не режимът за пищовите в Скандинавия въобще не е "по-твърд" отколкото този в Бразилия и в Мексико, а в страни със култура на себезаличаване/гъвкавост като Швейцария всеки мъж има автоматична пушка в къщи , ама не ходи да гърми с нея/ Какво правят бедните младежи в страните със култура на себезаличаване/гъкавост..Ами какво правят - четат и учат , учат до спукване (в Корея щеще да се забранява със закон прекомерното учене), вместо да си набавят пищови и да стават гангстери. Кофти е ако системата им не достатъчно добра и адекватна (като в България), защото се пилее и губи най-ценния потенциал (мотива и културата ги има, но системата куца)
Има и по-болно, но явно не знаеш.. В сума ти страни в Латинска Америка е болно на н-та степен: "Всеки ученик с пищов или кама" Култура се казва една Хавите (на това болно), ама тук в този форум както съм се убедил 40 кратно това е мръсна дума, защото сума ти болни ,недоволни и травмирани хора най обичат да винят за всичко нещо си или няюкого си, от корупцията до закъснелия мензис на някого - или "комунизма", или пък неолиберализма и демокрацията са виновни, или пък световния заговор!).
Пак същото е и за делфините. Себеразпознаване и социална интелигентност (+ абстрактно мислене и способност да се взимат решения) +/---> език* (*При бутиконосите делфини се различават до 200 вида кликания; паметта им е развита - запомнят последователност от 60 при 95 процента успеваемост ) Има един и същи "модел" при хуманоидни примати и при делфинови http://articles.wash...res-diana-reiss http://search.incred...&p=2&uloc=MB132 Mirror self-recognition in the bottlenose dolphin: A case of cognitive convergence Diana Reiss*†‡§ and Lori Marino‡¶ (...) (..) Bottlenose dolphins share several behavioral and social ecological features with great apes and humans, including sophisticated memory and classification of relationships among events (27), the ability to learn rudimentary symbol-based artificial codes (27, 32), and complex social behavior (28). Bottlenose dolphins, great apes, and humans all possess high degrees of encephalization and neocortical expansion (26, 33,34). (....)
Young Chimps Have Better Short Term Memory Than Humans http://www.science20...ory_than_humans Young chimpanzees have an “extraordinary” ability to remember numerals that is superior to that of human adults, according to a report in the December 4th issue of Current Biology. “There are still many people, including many biologists, who believe that humans are superior to chimpanzees in all cognitive functions,” said Tetsuro Matsuzawa of Kyoto University. “No one can imagine that chimpanzees—young chimpanzees at the age of five—have a better performance in a memory task than humans. Here we show for the first time that young chimpanzees have an extraordinary working memory capability for numerical recollection—better than that of human adults tested in the same apparatus, following the same procedure.” Chimpanzee memory has been extensively studied, the researchers said. The general assumption is that, as with many other cognitive functions, it is inferior to that of humans. However, some data have suggested that, in some circumstances, chimpanzee memory may indeed be superior to human memory. In the current study, the researchers tested three pairs of mother and infant chimpanzees (all of which had already learned the ascending order of Arabic numerals from 1 to 9) against university students in a memory task of numerals. One of the mothers, named Ai, was the first chimpanzee who learned to use Arabic numerals to label sets of real-life objects with the appropriate number. In the new test, the chimps or humans were briefly presented with various numerals from 1 to 9 on a touch-screen monitor. Those numbers were then replaced with blank squares, and the test subject had to remember which numeral appeared in which location and touch the squares in the appropriate order. The young chimpanzees could grasp many numerals at a glance, with no change in performance as the hold duration—the amount of time that the numbers remained on the screen—was varied, the researchers found. In general, the performance of the three young chimpanzees was better than that of their mothers. Likewise, adult humans were slower than all of the three young chimpanzees in their response. For human subjects, they showed that the percentage of correct trials also declined as a function of the hold duration—the shorter the duration became, the worse their accuracy was. Matsuzawa said the chimps’ memory ability is reminiscent of “eidetic imagery,” a special ability to retain a detailed and accurate image of a complex scene or pattern. Such a “photographic memory” is known to be present in some normal human children, and then the ability declines with the age, he added. The researchers said they believe that the young chimps’ newfound ability to top humans in the numerical memory task is “just a part of the very flexible intelligence of young chimpanzees.” The researchers include Sana Inoue and Tetsuro Matsuzawa, of Kyoto University, Japan.
Какво не разбираш, аз не мога да разбера.. Отликите не ги търсим ние, те са намерени, доколкото са намерени, от по-умни и знаещи хора от нас. Има сума ти научни статии и монографии за езика (на хората и на животоните), за интелекта им, за конгнитивните им способности, за емоциите им, и т.н. Пак повтарям: Не ме интересува дискусия за еволюционния процес . Интересува ме, ама не някои да ми пили на главата колко е сложно, колко аз не разбирам (а то се оказа че най-големите разбирачи може да грешат, или да нямат идеи, вижте предишните съобщения и отговори "Отговори" съм ги дал в заглагавието, дали са и другите потребители, и не разбирам ти какво не разбираш? Ако не си съгласен или имаш други виждания - дай да ги видим, моля виждане За да знам какво превдстевяква интелектът и/или как работи кортексът трябва ва да съм еволюционен познавач??? Извинявай, ама това е смехотворно..
Ами не е задължително, ама както и да е.. Става дума за човека преди 30 000 години: стр 3-та: The substantial losses of physical strength, bone density and brain volume are not evolutionary processes; an alternative mechanism will have to be invoked to account for them. It also needs to account for the fact that the process is universal, and if it were the result of mutation one would expect it to radiate from an initial population. This is not the case, it occurs apparently simultaneously in four continents; therefore the cause needs to be found in a universal development. The traditional explanation for it, as the result of a more secure, physically less stressful life, is plain nonsense — like so much else of what Pleistocene archaeology has been propagating. People 30,000 years ago led lives that were not significantly different from those of their ancestors for several hundred thousand years Демек: Грацилизацията може да е, но може да не е еволюционен процес.. Аз сериозно предлагам да не задълбочваме в непознатото и дълбоко море "еволюция по Дарвин", ами да се придържаме към по-прости и ясни неща и концепции..
Мисля че темата не е за човешката еволюция, а за това какво конктретно повече (различно) в резултат на еволюцията сме придибили, за да ни направи доминиращ вид. Просто и ясно.. За да се разбира или предполага какво е интелект, език,мозък, култура, и/или как действа мозъчната кора при хората (или не-хората), не е необходимо човек да е еволюционен биолог. Има достъчно материали и изследвания в тази насоки; трява да се направи някакъв синтез или предглед (от запознатите), или да се изложи или някаква теза/хипотеза/виждане.
Не си съгласен с написаното че "хората сме позагубили загубили , "сила ,нокти, зъби и мускули" спрямо еволюционния ни предшественик /най-близките ни роднини, по простата причина че не ги изполваме колкото роднините си, а вместо тях изполваме оръжия, и приготвена на огън храна"? Говоря за еволюция, а какъв е конктретния и механизъм (демек защо и как така яките пичове -предшественици, не са си предали гените си, в поколенията си*) е подробност, които не ме интересува особено в момента. *това също е еволюция Никъде не твърдя че хората са поумнели, защото са използвали оръжия. Ето една интересна публикация по този въпрос: (ще кажа, че шимпанзетата се оценяват като три или четири пъти по-силни от хората) Тhe Secret To Chimp Strength Apr. 8, 2009 — February's brutal chimpanzee attack, during which a pet chimp inflicted devastating injuries on a Connecticut woman, was a stark reminder that chimps are much stronger than humans—as much as four-times stronger, some researchers believe. But what is it that makes our closest primate cousins so much stronger than we are? One possible explanation is that great apes simply have more powerful muscles. ndeed, biologists have uncovered differences in muscle architecture between chimpanzees and humans. But evolutionary biologist Alan Walker, a professor at Penn State University, thinks muscles may only be part of the story. In an article published in the April issue of Current Anthropology, Walker argues that humans may lack the strength of chimps because our nervous systems exert more control over our muscles. Our fine motor control prevents great feats of strength, but allows us to perform delicate and uniquely human tasks. Walker's hypothesis stems partly from a finding by primatologist Ann MacLarnon. MacLarnon showed that, relative to body mass, chimps have much less grey matter in their spinal cords than humans have. Spinal grey matter contains large numbers of motor neurons—nerves cells that connect to muscle fibers and regulate muscle movement. More grey matter in humans means more motor neurons, Walker proposes. And having more motor neurons means more muscle control. Our surplus motor neurons allow us to engage smaller portions of our muscles at any given time. We can engage just a few muscle fibers for delicate tasks like threading a needle, and progressively more for tasks that require more force. Conversely, since chimps have fewer motor neurons, each neuron triggers a higher number of muscle fibers. So using a muscle becomes more of an all-or-nothing proposition for chimps. As a result, chimps often end up using more muscle than they need. "[A]nd that is the reason apes seem so strong relative to humans," Walker writes. Our finely-tuned motor system makes a wide variety of human tasks possible. Without it we couldn't manipulate small objects, make complex tools or throw accurately. And because we can conserve energy by using muscle gradually, we have more physical endurance—making us great distance runners. Great apes, with their all-or-nothing muscle usage, are explosive sprinters, climbers and fighters, but not nearly as good at complex motor tasks. In other words, chimps make lousy guests in china shops. In addition to fine motor control, Walker suspects that humans also may have a neural limit to how much muscle we use at one time. Only under very rare circumstances are these limits bypassed—as in the anecdotal reports of people able to lift cars to free trapped crash victims. "Add to this the effect of severe electric shock, where people are often thrown violently by their own extreme muscle contraction, and it is clear that we do not contract all our muscle fibers at once," Walker writes. "So there might be a degree of cerebral inhibition in people that prevents them from damaging their muscular system that is not present, or not present to the same degree, in great apes." Walker says that testing his hypothesis that humans have more motor neurons would be fairly straightforward. However, he concedes that testing whether humans have increased muscle inhibition could be a bit more problematic.
Как го измисли това? Виждал ли си шимпанзе или горила, и знаеш ли нещо за тяхната сила и зъби и нокти? Хората сме позагубили загубили , "сила ,нокти, зъби и мускули" спрямо еволюционния ни предшественик /най-близките ни роднини, по простата причина че не ги изполваме колкото роднините си, а вместо тях изполваме оръжия, и приготвена на огън храна
1. Това е плоско.. Хората съществуват без каквато и да е цивилизация поне 100-200 хиляди години.. 2. Защо теорията за егалиратната революция няма нищо общо, с темата? (Не ми казвай само че дядо господ ти говори)