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Форум "Наука"


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  1. Monitoring of Romanian internet irredentism for the last month http://www.google.ro/search?as_q=&hl=r...&as_rights= http://www.bzi.ro/Secretele-Bulgariei-apar...nia-A77495.html See also the Romanian Deutsche Welle service with a very anti-Bulgarian article regarding DANS http://www.google.ro/search?as_q=&hl=r...&as_rights= www.ziare.com Search "romania mare" (greater romania) on youtube These are the main national Romanian newpapers www.ziua.ro www.adevarul.ro www.evz.ro www.curierulnational.ro www.gandul.info www.cotidianul.ro www.jurnalul.ro www.romanialibera.ro
  2. Бихте бил прав ако ставаше дума само за един потребител а не за болшинство на румънското население и интернет-потребители Ok then, since you are letting this cunning Honterus type in English (I see he is periodically checking out your forum, probably in order to check on what it is beeing posted here and also to send some of you personal messages-because there is no need for him to log in unless he is sending you PM: probably to reassure that there Romanians are your friends), I will type in English myself since it's much easier for me. I have some additions to Bugarskoto Nachertaniye (or is it Nachertanye?-difficult "Serbian dialect" this Torlakian, someone should "codify" it just like "Macedonian" and Banat Bulgarian but that't another topic. 15. Propaganda in Turkey in order to make the Turks stop their support for "Macedonians" insisting on the hatred the "Macedonians" nourish towards Muslims (not only Albanians). 16. Propaganda for full enacting and implementing of Ohrid agreement by the "Macedonian" government. 17. Convince the Greeks to ask for compensations for the confiscation of the Greek-owned monastery properties in Romania. These were confiscated by the Romanian government during the 19th century. In order not to look like an anti-foreigners measure the Romanian-owned monastery properties have also been confiscated. The Greeks were offered a tiny compensation which they refused and thus the Romanians gave them nothing. Although this is a very old issue and probably the Greeks have no legal grounds anymore to claim compensation (I am not knowledgable in international law) it should be noted the double standard promoted by Romanians: they want compensations for Gozsdu properties (a Hungarian citizen of the former Austrian-Hungarian empire) and for the "sykrovishte" that the Russians have "unjustifiably" confiscated at the end of the first world war but why not give the Greeks what was theirs (given as gifts by the Romanian/Wallachian and Moldovan rulers)? I won't mention the thefts perpetrated by Romanians during their occupation of Budapest (they cut railroad and tram lines and took them back to Romania after "having rescued" Hungary of communist Bela Kun regime, crossing the truce line imposed by the Great Western Powers: France, Britain) or the "chestiunea optantilor". Search the internet for "secularizarea averilor manastiresti". Maybe there is nevertheless a possibility for Greeks to receive those compensations or to trade the claims for them with the expelling of Aromanians with non-Greek ethnic self-identification to Romania. All the Aromanians and Slavs with non-Greek ethnic self-identification should be expelled from Greece or put to swear on Bible or Koran (the Pomaks) or to sign a piece of paper saying that they don't wish Greeks borders to change in favor or FYROM, Turkey etc. and that their are loyal Greek citizens. In any case in Greece and France there are no ethnic/national minorities Also the solution of the Ukrainian-Romanian international trial regarding Snakes' Island seems wrong and it probably was a result of Ukraine not being member of UE and NATO and its discrimination because of that. 18. Serbia, "Macedonia" and Turkey must not be allowed in EU. Once in EU they will start the anti-Bulgarian lobby (in case of FYROM and Turkey, the anti-Greek lobby too). Turkish "republic" of Cyprus should not unite with Cyprus. Why should the lazy Turks become EU citizens by taking advantage of Greek Cypriots' well-deserved EU membership? If the Greeks allow this to happen they are the greatest fools. Even if the Turks were not Greeks' arch-enemies this would be unacceptable. A good solution, although utopian would be to move all the Turks from the European part of Turkey to Cyprus and all the Greeks from Cyprus to European Turkey with according border changes. And now the crazy propositions: why not give Turkey 5000 sq. km of Bulgarian soil and move all the Muslims there, since the Muslims and Bulgarians seem incapable of living together. This is not so crazy given the birth rate of Roma Muslims. The second crazy proposition is actually a question: is it possible for Bulgaria and Greece to block the land border with Turkey, given that there are probably international free movement agreements signed by both Bulgaria and Greece? If it possible Turkey can move its people and goods through air and sea (through Romania and Serbia) but what if Hungary, Ukraine, Croatia and Montenegro close the border with Romania and Serbia for all Turkish vehicles?

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