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МКС май ще затяга коланите след като и янките се издъниха. SpaceX rocket explosion is setback for US crewed space missions http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27794-spacex-rocket-explosion-is-setback-for-us-crewed-space-missions.html?utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=SOC&utm_campaign=hoot&cmpid=SOC%257CNSNS%257C2015-GLOBAL-hoot#.VZE_bRvtmko
ами така е - ако не дължиш, няма как да слушкаш. Иначе замислял ли си се защо има инфлация? Колкото до Гърция - до 70-те години бяха доста мизерни, но ги напълниха с пари, за да рекламират пред социалистическите балкански страни колко добре се живее в т. нар. демократичен свят. Така че не е луд този, който яде баницата.
в ерата на новия световен ред за да държиш една държава в подчинение и колониална зависимост - трябва да я караш периодично да тегли заеми, докато натрупа голям външен дълг, а след това да я фалираш и да я изкупиш на безценица. Така действа МВФ и компания. Където доброволното задлъжняване не помага - се спретва гражданска война.
имуностимулантите нямат нищо общо с ваксините.
California Moves to Ban Religious and Personal Vaccine Exemptions Lawmakers in California have taken an important first step toward limiting vaccination exemptions for schoolchildren. The bill, which was approved on Thursday, prohibits parents from preventing their children from being vaccinated for personal or religious reasons. The bill – SB 277 – makes California the third state to remove religious and personal vaccine exemptions. It follows the recent Measles outbreak in Disneyland, which spread and sickened nearly 150 people in the United States. The outbreak was traced back to an infected person that visited the amusement park, and spread rapidly mainly by children whose parents chose not to vaccinate them, a study concluded. "Do we wait until we have a full-fledged crisis to protect the most vulnerable?" asked Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, the Associated Press (AP) reports. The legislation was approved in a 46-30 vote in the California Assembly. The Senate, who have already approved the bill, must now sign off on some amendments before the bill is sent to Governor Jerry Brown. Though the governor hasn’t indicated whether he will sign the bill, the L.A. Times reports that a spokesperson has said: "The governor believes that vaccinations are profoundly important and a major public health benefit and any bill that reaches his desk will be closely considered." If passed, the law will come into effect on January 1, 2016. Medical reasons, including allergic responses and weak immunity, will be the only exemption parents wanting to register their children in preschool and kindergarten can use. The law also states that children are not allowed to progress to the seventh grade without the required immunization. The bill does not affect home-schooled children. “We hope and expect we will be a model to get us back to where we should be, which is that cases of measles and other preventable diseases do not need to be something we live with,” said State Senator Richard Pan, a pediatrician who wrote the bill, The New York Times reports. Though the bill received bipartisan support, there was significant opposition from parents – many of whom gathered on the Capitol steps to protest the vote. Reuters reports that Senator Pan had to be given extra security as he received death threats from vaccination opponents. "People in the opposition say they want children to get these diseases naturally," Pan said. "But children die of these diseases. They become paralyzed. They develop brain damage. This is not something I would wish on anybody's child." Those supporting the bill ensured their voices were also heard. Rhett Krawitt, a seven-year-old leukemia survivor, delivered a petition with over 30,000 signatures to the governor on Wednesday. His parents were nervous to enroll him in school as he cannot be vaccinated for a year after receiving chemotherapy.
Подкрепям идеята за гранта. Глосолалията за се изучи и класифицира /на по чаша бира/.
'Grandfather Turtle' Forms Missing Link in Reptile Evolution Illustrative reconstruction of Pappochelys rosinae. Rainer Schoch A 240-million-year-old fossil may form a "missing link" in the history of turtle evolution. It's called Pappochelys rosinae, or "grandfather turtle," and it fills a gap in the fossil record during the time turtles' ancestors were first evolving that feature that makes them so easily identified today: their shell. Related: Fossil of Ancient 'Sea Monster' Sheds Light on Evolution of Arthropods Pappochelys was a small reptile that looked more like an iguana than a turtle — but the skeleton, uncovered in a quarry in southern Germany, shows unmistakable signs of turtledom. Its broad ribs have a T-shaped cross-section, but have yet to fuse into a true shell, and there are also clear beginnings of a bony plate protecting its underside. Both its age and features fit neatly between an earlier (260 million years old), less turtle-like Eunotosaurus and more recent (220 million years old) Odontochelys. The thick, spreading ribs (yellow) form the rudiments of a shell, while the red "gastralia" would in later species form the lower part of that shell. Rainer Schoch "Such a stage in the evolution of the turtle shell had long been predicted by embryological research on present-day turtles but had never been observed in fossils—until now," explained one of the researchers, Rainer Schoch, in aSmithsonian news release that also described Pappochelys as a "missing link." The paper describing Pappochelys, by Schoch and Hans-Dieter Sues, appeared Wednesday in the journal Nature.
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Weird fossil worm with legs and spikes finally reveals its head It's easier to be bamboozled by a worm than you might think. This enigmatic 508-million-year-old worm-like creature has been tricking scientists since the 1970s. Reconstructions of what it would have looked like had it upside down, on its side and even back to front. Now Martin Smith of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues think they finally have the correct description of this creature, which lived during theCambrian explosion when most major animal groups first emerge in the fossil record. Hallucigenia was a worm-like marine animal with legs, spikes and a head that is difficult to distinguish from its tail. It is only a few centimetres long, and its body is as thin as a pin. The late evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould once recounted how Simon Conway Morris, the palaeontologist who coined the name Hallucigenia, chose it because the creature reminded him of something he'd once seen on a trip – "and I don't mean to Boston". Wacky interpretations "Early studies did not realise that parts of the body were buried, and parts of the fossil were not actually part of the animal – leading to the somewhat wacky early interpretations," says Smith. Now, his team has used electron microscopy to describe the creature in unprecedented detail. As thin as a pin and as prickly as one too (Image: Martin R. Smith) What was once thought to be its head is in fact just a dark stain that could have been gut contents that oozed out as the animal was flattened in a submarine landslide. So they dug away the sediment around the other side of the animal to reveal its head. There, they found a pair of simple eyes, which sat above a mouth with a ring of teeth. Its throat was also lined with needle-shaped teeth, which are thought to have worked like a ratchet, keeping food from slipping out each time it took another "suck" at its food. The findings could help us understand the evolution of moulting animals, a diverse group that includes arthropods, velvet worms and water bears. The teeth resemble those from many other early moulting animals, suggesting that a tooth-lined throat was present in a common ancestor, the team says. Smith thinks that we now have the final and correct view of what Hallucigeniareally looked like. "But with a creature so bizarre and full of surprises, you never know what else it might have up its sleeve." Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature14573 http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn27778-weird-fossil-worm-with-legs-and-spikes-finally-reveals-its-head.html?utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=SOC&utm_campaign=hoot&cmpid=SOC%257CNSNS%257C2015-GLOBAL-hoot#.VYuofbbFwmM
Как е времето в Норвегия? Плюят ли по тигърчето в Осло? Между нас казано - изкуството им е пълна северняшка скръб. Умрях от скука във Вигеланд.
Междувременно изродите от ИДИЛ почнаха да рутят Палмира.
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През Йордания.
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Ако това стане, най-вероятно турската армия ще предприеме инвазия в Сирия.
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Южняк, автохтонците като цяло са сектанти /включително и родните ни недоразумения/, така че всеки спор с тях е загуба на време. Квазинаучните им мантри и спекулации ще си отшумят постепенно колкото повече такива изследвания се появяват. Така че е излишно да отклоняваме темата в желаната от тях посока. Но аз ти благодаря за пространното разяснение към четящите в този форум, които поради неосведомеността си лесно биха се поддали на техните манипулации.
Специалисти не са участали. Паметникът е плод на авторовата фантазия.
това е заради античната музика
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Тероризмът няма религия.
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Дали са съществували славяни или не; дали траки е етноним или чуждо название; дали македоните са били елини или някакви други, днес има много малко значение извън чисто научното познание. По простата причина, че днешните европейски народи са НОВИ НАРОДИ! Днешните гърци имат толкова общо с древните елини, колкото французите с франките или италианците с римляните ... Всички ние – новите европейски народи – носим в по-малка или по-голяма степен генетичното и културно наследство на старите индоарии. Претенциите за древност са само част от националната митология и имат много малко общо с обективната истина. Тъй и опитите за национално инженерство на основата на мистифицирани национални предания са си чиста проба външни политически проекти с цел разбиване на нечие национално единство. Такива опити има няколко, като последният е македонисткият експеримент, чийто безславен край наближава.
ами пак не си права /иначе автохтонни теории всякакви, но те си приличат, защото са нагаждачески по своята същност/. Засега изводите, които се налагат покрай новите изследвания /преди да са почнали спекулациите по тях/ са: -Българите не са траки и са дошли на Балканите през ранното Средновековие /както си е ясно от време оно/. -Траките пък също не са свързани с неолитната култура по нашите земи, създала най-старото златно съкровище.
Нов бисер на родното гуру на автохтонната секта Спароток: «Доказательства раннего присутствия славян на Минойском Крите/Новое азбучное прочтение ЛИНЕАРНОГО А письма/EVIDENCE FOR EARLY SLAVIC PRESENCE IN MINOAN CRETE. NEW AZBUKAS (SLAVIC ALPHABET) READING OF THE LINEAR A INSCRIPTION» http://www.srpska.ru/article.php?nid=19473
Автохтонната теория не е вярна, защото е продукт на изкривяване и фалшифициране на факти. Напоследък нейните апологети са окупирали и генетичните изследвания и се опитват с нагли манипулации да потвърдят фантазиите си, че българите са най-древният народ на земята, родоначалник на индоевропейците. Болест, присъща за всички постсъветски държавици, страдащи от комплекси за малоценност.