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То Люсито е напълно измислен филм, опиращ се на стара и погрешна теория, че не ползмаме пълния капацитет на мозъка си. Примерът на Табов също е ирелевантен, но пък е забавно, че същевременно той прави същата грешка, робувайки на архаични и несъстоятелни хипотези.
Блогодарности за обобщението.
пак конспирации и свободни съчинения.
Гривна превръща кожата в сензорен екран Oт задаващия се умен часовник на Apple до технологичните гривни на Fitbit - все повече устройства си съперничат да бъдат носени от потребителите. Скоро към тях ще се присъедини гривна, която превръща кожата в сензорен екран с помощта на малък вграден прожектор, пише The Daily Mail, цитиран от "Фокус". Хората, които носят гривната Cicret ще могат да проверяват електронната си поща или да гледат филм на ръката си между китката и лакътя. Нещо повече, те ще бъдат в състояние да контролират изображението, използвайки кожата си като сензорен дисплей. Създателите на устройството, които в момента събират средства за производството му на уеб страницата си, твърдят, че с него може да се прави всичко, което се прави с телефон или таблет - четене на имейли, сърфиране в мрежата, гледане на видео, игране на игри и дори провеждане на телефонни разговори. Миниатюрният прожектор в гривната излъчва изображението върху кожата, а осем сензора за близост засичат всяко плъзгане, потупване или пощипване. Гривната има USB порт и акселерометър и поддържа Bluetooth и Wi-Fi. Тя може да се синхронизира с iPhone или да се използва като самостоятелно устройство. Френските инженери, които са я изобретили казват, че възнамеряват да добавят и 3G възможности.
изобщо не виждам смисъл темата да продължава поради факта, че всеки си избива комплексите в нея. Което е жалко.
от Prunus spinosa та на Crataegus monogyna, както се вика.
или /което е по-вероятно/ изобщо не им е минало през ума да тълкуват нещата по начина по който го правят псевдоисториците.
- Ако черна котка ти мине път, а после се върне и ти го мине наобратно – това двойно нещастие ли е, или пък се неутрализира първото минаване? - Зависи дали котката е скаларна или векторна величина...
май няма да доживея момента да прочета безпристрастно и обективно мнение по тази тема.))
водният телеграф на Еней: The hydraulic telegraph of Aeneas – long-distance communication of antiquity Advances in technology have drastically changed the way we live today compared to those of our ancient past. One type of technology that many of us may take for granted is the ability to communicate with others over long distances, or to large groups of people. A look back at ancient civilizations can give us insight today into the very first methods of long-distance communications. In 350 BC, a Greek named Aeneas invented the hydraulic telegraph, which was a means of communicating important, fairly detailed information, quickly over long distances. Aeneas was a Greek writer who focused on military history, strategy, communications. He was one of the first authors to provide a guide on military communications, which were important for ensuring that any society had the ability to anticipate possible invasions, and to communicate strategy and tactics back and forth between groups. Aeneas was frustrated by the limitations placed on communications via torches and beacons. Torches allowed some messages to be conveyed, for example, they could indicate danger, or communicate that an objective had been accomplished, but they could not send messages with any level of detail or description. Essentially, they could communicate that something had occurred, but there was no way to communicate what had occurred. Information transmission through beacons. Image source: Nature Aeneas therefore developed the hydraulic telegraph in an attempt to overcome these obstacles. The telegraph involved a system of water-filled vessels containing rods that contained agreed-upon messages (such as “horsemen entering the country”, or “ships”). The two groups who wished to communicate would both have an identical set of supplies, and would be positioned far away from one another, but still within a line of sight, usually upon a hill. When one party wanted to send a message to the other, they would raise a torch. Upon seeing the torch raised, the second party would raise their torch to confirm they were prepared to receive the message. When the initial sender lowered his torch, both sides would simultaneously pull the plug from the bottom of the water-containing vessel. As the water drained, different messages on the rod would be revealed. When the intended message reached the top, the initial sender would again light his torch, signaling that the receiver should re-plug the vessel and read the message on the rod. For this to work properly, both parties had to have vessels of the same size, filled with the same volume of water, and rods containing the same messages. They also had to be very precise, starting and stopping drainage at the correct moment. A replica of the hydraulic telegraph of Aeneas. Credit: Augusta Stylianou While the technology of the hydraulic telegraph seems very simple, its creation was marveled as a significant advancement in communication technology by allowing pre-determined messages to be sent long distances. In the event of an intrusion or an enemy approaching, they would only see the brief torch flashes, and would not be able to intercept the message in any way. This advancement in communication was also a great advancement in military communication and strategy. Messages were sent from Sicily to Carthage during the First Punic War (264-241 BC) using the hydraulic telegraph, also known as a Semaphore line. A stamp depicting the hydraulic telegraph in use. Image source: mlahanas.de Through the hydraulic telegraph, the military now had the ability to communicate specific messages that allowed other groups of military personnel, as well as civilians, to better prepare for potential invasions by land or sea. This early form of long-distance communication was advanced for its time, and it paved the way for future forms of communications, which have led to the many methods we have available today. http://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-technology/hydraulic-telegraph-aeneas-long-distance-communication-antiquity-002185
ами както добре го каза най-накрая - Цеца си е литератор. И като всеки средновековен автор, за да покаже, колко е начетен, ползва архаизми в произведенията си /типичен похват за ромеите, които така украсяват творбите си/. Ето защо не бива да се предоверяваме на метафорите му, само защото така ни се иска.
добивът на шистов газ, освен неекологичен, скъпоструващ и съмнителен откъм избиване на инвестицията, е и монопол на определени западни компании /демек за никаква държавна собственост не може да иде и реч/. Последните дупчиха в Румъния, но се оказа, че очакванията им за големи находища са неоснователни. Само разбутаха колибите на местното население, чиито протести бяха доста ефективно потушени от полицията /като в доброто старо време/. Съмнявам се, че и у нас картинката ще е по-различна.
в Израел, във връзка със състоянието на постоянен въоръжен конфликт с арабските си съседи - всички жени са задължени да служат по две години в армията. Определено интересно явление.
да Ви напомня, че политическите девиации ще бъдат трити. Има си лични бележки, на които да се разберете кой е соросоид, а кой - рубладжия. Дотук със спама.
Амбициозен генетичен проект нищи брънките в еволюционното дърво на птиците: Genetic Megaproject Traces the Evolutionary 'Big Bang' for Birds Тhe demise of the dinosaurs touched off an evolutionary "big bang" that lasted 15 million years or less and gave rise to all the types of birds we see today, according to the findings from a massive research effort involving hundreds of researchers from 20 countries. Over the course of more than four years, the Avian Phylogenomics Consortium sequenced the genomes of 45 species representing virtually every major limb of the bird world's evolutionary family tree, which takes in more than 10,000 species around the world. Those genomes were compared using the equivalent of 400 years of supercomputer time, and organized using a new statistical method for tracing genetic connections. Short video depicting bird evolution: http://www.nbcnews.com/watch/nbc-news/building-a-tree-of-life-for-birds-370201667504 The results were as overwhelming as the scale of the project: More than two dozen research papers were published online Thursday, in Science as well as Genome Biology, GigaScience and other journals. Among the findings: A study of genome structure suggests that the chicken is the modern-day bird that most closely resembles the dinosaurian ancestor of birds. That finding is in line with previous analyses of proteins recovered from a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil. The earliest common ancestor of land birds, a category that includes parrots and finches as well as hawks and eagles, appears to have been an apex predator. "This predatory trait has been lost several times," said Duke University's Erich Jarvis, one of the project's leaders. Genetic comparisons suggest that brain regions in songbirds are activated in a way that's similar to the patterns seen in humans — but not similar to the patterns seen in non-singing birds or non-human primates. That analysis took advantage of the Allen Human Brain Atlas. The process by which the ancestors of modern birds began to lose their teeth apparently started about 116 million years ago, when dinosaurs were having their heyday. A parallel study of crocodilian genomes suggests that the earliest common ancestor of dinosaurs, crocodiles, alligators and birds — all members of a group of creatures known as archosaurs — lived around 240 million years ago. While birds were among the fastest-evolving members of the group, crocodilans were among the slowest to evolve. A comparative study of Adelie penguins and Emperor penguins points to genetic factors that could help explain why Adelie populations go through climate-related boom-and-bust patterns, while Emperor populations have stayed relatively stable. The scientists behind the project say their findings shed dramatic new light on the evolutionary history of birds, but are almost certain to have broader application in biology and medicine as well. For instance, insights into the genetic roots of birdsong could point researchers to new clues about the roots of human speech disorders as well. And the fact that bird genomes are more compact could help scientists zero in on more precise targets as they hunt for the genetic factors behind human traits. "These make birds or chickens good models," said Guoxie Zhang of BGI-Shenzhen, one of the major partners in the genomics project. A flock of genomes Before the Avian Phylogenomics Consortium set to work, only a few bird genomes — including the codes for chickens, turkeys and zebra finches — had been deciphered. What's more, researchers knew very little about the deep genetic connections between species. "In the past, people have been using one, two — up to 10 or 20 genes — to try to infer species relationships over the last 100 million years or so," Jarvis said in a news release. "Our theory has been, if you take the whole genome, you would have a more accurate species tree than just one or two genes alone." CARLA SCHAFFER / AAAS Some of the avian specimens that were analyzed for a comparative genomics study are spread out on a table at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington. Most of the whole genomes added to the list come from the biggest subdivision of the bird world, known as the Neoaves. That's the group that takes in parrots and finches, hawks and eagles (but not ostriches or chickens). The more genomes you have, the easier it is to see the relationships between species and figure out how and when they diverged. However, there's also a greater potential for spurious information to produce a wrongly constructed evolutionary tree. To make sure their tree was solid, the bird genetics consortium developed a method known as "statistical binning" to help avoid creating misshapen trees. Multiple runs using different tree-building methods produced a consistent picture of the bird world's evolutionary history. "This is the biggest DNA sequence tree ever generated," Jarvis told reporters during a teleconference. "In this case, it's 30 million base pairs long." When did bird species soar? Technically speaking, scientists regard birds as the only species of dinosaurs to survive a mass extinction that occurred 65 million years ago. Jarvis said the genetic analysis was likely to settle a longstanding debate over whether the proliferation of bird species occurred before or after the big die-off. "We suggest it occurred right at that time, with only a few lineages surviving mass extinction, and they giving rise to ... what we call the Passerae, Columba and Neoaves group within the last 66 million years," Jarvis said. "And all modern orders formed from this radiation within a 10- to 15-million-year period, around 50 million years ago." The process used to organize the evolutionary tree for birds is likely to be used in the future to take a fresh look at other branches of the overall tree of life, said Tandy Warnow, a bioengineering and computer science professor at the University of Illinois who led the computational effort. Neither Warnow nor Jarvis was willing put a cost estimate on the effort, because the expenses were shared by so many institutions as well as funders such as the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. "It's really hard to calculate a number, but it's a really big number," Jarvis said. http://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/genetic-megaproject-traces-evolutionary-big-bang-birds-n265996
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ето го и руското чудо на техниката - YotaPhone. Устройството разполага с втори дисплей от електронна хартия, който е поставен върху задната страна на корпуса. http://it.dir.bg/news.php?id=17955555