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  1. ще последва вълна от масови самоубийства, а оцелелите ще трябва да се учат да общуват отново помежду си без електронни посредници /което си е трудно/. Фармацевтчината промишленост ще е на далавера - продажбата на антидепресанти ще се увеличи, същото важи и за спиртопроизводителите. Иначе, ако оставим настрана майтапа, това ще доведе до тотален срив на технологичната ни цивилизация - загуба на огромно количество данни и невъзможност за функциониране на редица отрасли. Оттам хаос, анархия и разпад на държавността. Връщане поне с 50 години назад.
  2. масово самоубийство
  3. ето за сравнение запазен римски мост в ждрелото на река Fou, Прованс /Франция/:
  4. аз си мисля че ако всички модери дарят по 50 кинта, може и да се получи сумата от близо 800 лева за годишната такса.
  5. на мен това ми е любопитно как раздухването на нещо, което е неосъществимо засяга и рационално мислещи хора. Едномесечната медийна истерия преди мача направо ми мязаше на 'Биг Брадър' манипулация. Ако се сещаш в романа '1984'. има една много поучителна фраза: "Не искам да ме лъжеш, че виждаш шест пръста на ръката ми. Искам да повярваш, че ги има." Та така и нашият боксьор си беше повярвал, барабар с целокупния народ, че срещу фамилия като Кличко /фактор от 15 години в бокса/ има някакви шансове. И след побоя /не съм го гледал, но прегледах коментарите/ типично на промитите мозъци, по-голямата част от феновете /включително и Кубрат/ отказаха да приемат, че в действителност пръстите са 5 и се развиха едни теории за допинг, мафия, конспирация и пр. Просто нашият не е от световна категория. Може би някой ден ще стане, ама дотогава много бой има да изяде.
  6. оф, добре че мина и тази истерия, че вчера всички бяха откачили, буквално. Сега ще се почне плюенето.
  7. невроните също могат да бъдат възпроизведени в лабораторни условия от стволови клетки.
  8. човекът като вид ще изчезне рано или късно. Въпросът е дали ще даде начало на нов биологичен вид или на кибернетичен такъв
  9. изтръпнах от тая тема в първия момент)))
  10. Е, аз ще се правя на Сенека, тогава
  11. доколкото си спомням, даваха го /според плановете на мисията/ - поне 1 година.
  12. и как само хората се прехласват по модерните гладиаторски боеве
  13. те профилактично ще минават да режат ръце и глави, така че кой знае, може и да се получи експериментът.
  14. на фона на този исторически успех, на запад се разгоря и грозен скандал заради 'провокативната' тениска на един от учените, осмелил се да даде интервю. В общи линии разни комплексирани феминистки получиха шанс за евтина слава покрай оплюването на Мат Тейлър, което и показва красноречиво упадъка на нашата цивилизация. Чуха се искания за уволнения, затвор... Даже човекът беше принуден да се извини на развилняните се истерици. Напомня на Светата Инквизиция, нали? Но това вече е светска инквизиция, която преследва науката. Това разбира се няма да доведе до нищо хубаво. I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing That's one small step for man, three steps back for humankind Yesterday the European Space Agency landed the Philae spacecraft on a comet, a powerful step forward for humanity and science alike. However, slightly before the big moment, coverage of the event reminded us how much progress remains to be accomplished back on Earth. A number of the scientists involved on this incredible project were interviewed in the hours leading to contact by Nature Newsteam. One of those Rosetta scientists was Matt Taylor, who chose to dress, for this special occasion, in a bowling shirt covered in scantly clad caricatures of sexy women in provocative poses. "This is going to be a very long day but a very exciting day," said Taylor. "I think everyone should enjoy it because we're making history." "I MADE A BIG MISTAKE AND I OFFENDED MANY PEOPLE" No one knows why Taylor chose to wear that shirt on television during a massive scientific mission. From what we can tell, a woman who goes by the name of Elly Prizeman on Twitter made the shirt for him, and is just as bewildered as he must be that anyone might be upset about her creation. Taylor apologized on Friday during a live ESA broadcast for wearing the shirt, stating that "the shirt I wore this week... I made a big mistake and I offended many people, and I'm very sorry about this." Still, Taylor's personal apology doesn't make up for the fact that no one at ESA saw fit to stop him from representing the Space community with clothing that demeans 50 percent of the world's population. No one asked him to take it off, because presumably they didn't think about it. It wasn't worth worrying about. This is the sort of casual misogyny that stops women from entering certain scientific fields. They see a guy like that on TV and they don't feel welcome. They see a poster of greased up women in a colleague's office and they know they aren't respected. They hear comments about "bitches" while out at a bar with fellow science students, and they decide to change majors. And those are the women who actually make it that far. Those are the few who persevered even when they were discouraged from pursuing degrees in physics, chemistry, and math throughout high school. These are the women who forged on despite the fact that they were told by elementary school classmates and the media at large that girls who like science are nerdy and unattractive. This is the climate women who dream of working at NASA or the ESA come up against, every single day. This shirt is representative of all of that, and the ESA has yet to issue a statement or apologize for that.
  15. Учени ползват ДНК-то е Ешерихията за носител на информация: Scientists Turn Bacteria Into DNA Tape Recorders By tinkering with its DNA, scientists have converted the common gut bacterium E. coli into the world’s smallest tape recorder. The newly designed microbes are engineered in such a way that they are capable of documenting and storing memories from their environment which can then be retrieved at a later date. The idea behind these living data storage devices is that one day, they could be used as tiny health monitors or environmental sensors. Scientists have attempted to store useful information in bacterial DNA before, but only managed to successfully record all-or-nothing memories, such as whether a particular stimulus is present in the environment or not. These digital memories could not therefore inform us of how long the exposure was, or how much of the stimulus was present, i.e. analog information. These new cells, however, are capable of doing just that. To create their living memory recorders, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) turned to sequences of DNA found in certain species of bacteria called retrons. Retrons carry the genetic information for the production of enzymes (biological catalysts) which generate single strands of DNA that are then inserted into the bacterium’s genome. Usually, these strands are used by the bacteria to manipulate their host. By tinkering with their DNA sequence, the researchers were able to make retrons that only produce unique DNA sequences when a particular stimulus, such as light or a chemical, is present. These strands, which are effectively a record of the experience, are then inserted into a specific target site within the genome. “We can target it anywhere in the genome,” says lead scientist Timothy Lu, “which is why we’re viewing it as a tape recorder, because you can direct it where that signal is written.” Because the sequence can be passed on from generation to generation, the memory gradually accumulates and is stored for the lifetime of the population. Scientists can then recover this stored information by sequencing the genome of the organism. By determining how many of the cells within the population contain the new DNA sequence, they can work out the magnitude and duration of the signal. The higher the proportion containing the sequence, the greater the exposure. The ultimate goal for the researchers is to use this system as a monitoring device for different environments. Because scientists can design the cells to respond to a variety of different stimuli, the potential applications are vast. The organisms could be placed in the ocean to measure levels of CO2 or pollution, for example. Alternatively, they could be used in medicine to monitor disease progression, such as the spread of cancers, by picking up stimuli that are released by diseased cells. http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/scientists-turn-bacteria-dna-tape-recorders
  16. А някой по-сериозен източник има ли? Че Блиц-а е доста надежден източник на изкривена информация
  17. дам, довечера ще звънна на Обама и ще му кажа да изпринти специално за теб няколко хартийки за взаимоотношенията си с ИДИЛ и петролооборота. Имай търпение
  18. митак, айде да ти напомня да пишеш по темата и да се въздържаш от заяждане. В противен случай офтопикът ти ще бъде трит, нищо че си модератор.
  19. ИДИЛ си изнасят петрол за Турция, която е сащиански съюзник. Демек търговийката си върти, народа си гине, световната общественост блажено си затваря очите, щото големият брат нанася козметични удари по Сирия /сбъдна му се мечтата на Обама най-накрая да я демократизира с бомби тая страна/.
  20. точно Италия според мен има най-голям потенциал да се разпадне когато свършат паричките за папане. Има и доста голяма разлика /етническа и икономическа/ между Севера и Юга, наред с факта, че държавността им е от има няма 150 години.
  21. е, винаги има изключения от правилото /моето беше просто лек майтап, свързан с неспособността на южните държави да създават трайни държавни формирования/.
  22. на юг като че ли 'брауновото движение' на провинциите е по-силно /явно е от топлината/;)
  23. проблемът е, че сондата след няколкото отскачания се е закрепила на косъм и то до някакви скали, чиято сянка ограничава ползването на слънчевите й батерии. Демек няма много оптимистични изгледи за успешното приключване на мисията; Space Probe Philae Bounces to Stop on Comet—Now What? Rosetta mission's lander finds itself tipped over in unknown territory as scientists decide whether to try to flip it. Philae's first image of the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko shows that the craft landed on a rocky surface, not a dusty one as some scientists had feared. PHOTOGRAPH BY ESA/ROSETTA/PHILAE/CIVA The elation scientists and engineers felt when the Rosetta mission's lander set down Wednesday has been tempered by the discovery overnight that Philae didn't simply land. It bounced—not once but twice—before coming to rest a significant distance from its original landing site on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The lander is still functioning, but its solar panels aren't getting enough power to keep Philae going for more than a few more days. The mother ship, orbiting overhead, is now searching for Philae with its high-resolution cameras. This image, taken by the Philae lander, shows the planned landing site from an altitude of about 1.5 miles (3 kilometers). In the end, Philae bounced its way to a new, unexpected resting place. PHOTOGRAPH BY ESA/ROSETTA/PHILAE/ROLIS/DLR Philae evidently bounced because a thruster failed—the thruster was meant to stabilize the craft during landing and push against the comet to hold it in place during anchoring. Harpoons that should have tethered Philae to the surface also failed to deploy. (See more on the landing process in our Viewing Guide.) The first bounce lasted nearly two hours, said Jean-Pierre Bibring, the European Space Agency scientist in charge of the lander, at a press conference today. It took Philae about a half mile (one kilometer) back up into space, then slowly back, where it ended up a half mile or so away from where it first touched down. The second jump was shorter in time, altitude, and distance. Rosetta’s lander Philae has returned the first panoramic image from the surface of a comet. The view, unprocessed, as it has been captured by the CIVA-P imaging system, shows a 360º view around the point of final touchdown. The three feet of Philae’s landing gear can be seen in some of the frames. PHOTOGRAPH BY ESA/ROSETTA/MPS FOR OSIRIS TEAM MPS/AFP The good news is that Philae is still operating and sending data, and that it's stable for the moment. It could have landed on a steep slope, for example, but, said Bibring, "We're almost vertical, with one foot almost certainly in the air and two on the surface." The bad news, made clear in photos released this morning, is that the probe is close to a cliff. The cliff's shadow is limiting how much sunlight the probe's solar panels can receive, which means Philae is depending largely on its batteries for power. That power could run out as early as Saturday. Scientists are searching these images from the Rosetta spacecraft orbiting above the comet's surface to locate the Philae lander. The images in this montage were taken around the time of the landing on November 12. PHOTOGRAPH BY ESA/ROSETTA/MPS FOR OSIRIS TEAM MPS/AFP Scientists had anticipated that the panels might not work even if the landing was smooth, since there was a chance that dust kicked up by the touchdown would have rendered them inoperable. Luckily, the science program was designed with the possibility of a very short lifetime in mind for Philae. (Read more about Rosetta's science in "Touchdown! Comet Landing to Offer Clues to Solar System's Birth.") Watch an animation of how the Philae lander touched down on the surface of the comet. FOOTAGE COURTESY OF EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY - ESA But it would be better, clearly, for the probe to work for much longer. There's still a chance that Philae can keep operating until the mission ends in December 2015, say scientists who are working on a plan to remedy the situation, if the lander is nudged into a better position. Philae has a number of instruments designed to swing into place when deployed. If the craft were anchored as intended, with all three legs down, these swings wouldn't shift the probe's position. But without that anchoring, moving the instruments could move the lander, and that could shift Philae into a slightly sunnier spot. European Space Agency scientists are now considering their next move very carefully, since any of these movements could also topple the craft over completely. They've promised updates later today. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/11/141113-rosetta-philae-bumpy-landing-science/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20141113news-cometupdate&utm_campaign=Content&sf5761549=1

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