Тук можем да споменем и несторианството, като част от източното християнство, чиито мисионери развиват активна дейсност и стигат чак до Корея, пътьом запознавайки с учението степните народи. Стига се дотам, че монголите също приемат несторианството и спретват т. нар. 'жълт кръстоносен поход' в Месопотамия.
Кратичка хронология на събитията на изток /които често не са отразявани/:
285 Papa ordained as first bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon and later adopts title of "Catholicos"
290 Brief persecution of Persian Christians under Bahram II
300 Bishop David of Basra goes to India
301 Armenian king Tiridates I converted by Gregory the Illuminator
306 James ordained as first bishop of Nisibis
313 First cathedral built in Edessa by Bishop Qona (first bishop mentioned in Edessa)
314 Persian Synod of Seleucia deposes Papa after he proposes that the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon should have primacy over the other Eastern bishops
315 Letter from Constantine to Shapur II urging him to protect Christians in his realm
Papa restored as bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon and begins to use the title "Catholicos"
325 First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea asserts Christ's deity (James of Nisibis and a Persian bishop from "India" recorded as attending)
James of Nisibis establishes theological school in Nisibis after the Council of Nicaea
326/7 Death of Papa and succession of Shimun bar Sabbaeas as Catholicos
330 First Syrian monastery founded by Mar Augin north of Nisibis
334 First bishop concecrated for Merv
340-363 The Great Persecution of the Persian church
344 Martyrdom of Catholicos Shimun bar Sabbae, 5 bishops and 100 priests
345 Martyrdom of Catholicos Shahdost
Thomas of Cana arrives in India (according to tradition)
346 Martyrdom of Catholicos Barbashmin
350 Ephrem the Syrian helps Nisibis repel Persian attack
354 Theophilus "the Indian" reports visiting Christians in India
356 Theophilus "the Indian" consecrated as a bishop and converts king of the Himyarites in Yemen
363 School of Nisibis moves to Edessa, along with Ephrem the Syrian
373 Mawiyya becomes first Christian Arab queen of Tanukh tribe
379/80-401/2 Continuation of the Great Persecution of the Persian church
390 Nestorian missionary Abdyeshu builds monastery on the island of Bahrain
392 Theodore ordained as bishop of Mopsuestia
399 End of the Great Persecution under Yazdegerd I
409/10 Yazdegerd I's Edict of Toleration
410 First General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Isaac) confirms the primacy of the bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon as "Catholicos of all the Orient" and the equality of Seleucia-Ctesiphon with the sees of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Rome, adopts the Nicene Creed and establishes metropolitans for Jundishapur, Nisibis, Basra, Arbela, and Kirkuk
The Lakhmid Arabs of Hirta receive a Nestorian bishop
420 Second General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Yaballaha I)
Ma'na, a student at the School of Edessa, translates Syriac works into Pahlavi (Middle Persian)
Second persecution of the Persian church under Yazdegerd I and Bahram V
424 Third General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Dadyeshu) confirms Catholicos of the Church of the East as "Patriarch of the East" and asserts him as equal to all other patriarchs (no longer subject to Antioch or Rome)
Bishops appointed for Herat and Samarkand
428 Nestorius ordained as Patriarch of Constantinople
Death of Theodore of Mopsuestia
431 Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus condemns Nestorius as a heretic
Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa, burns writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia
School of the Persians in Edessa first closed by Romans
443 John of Antioch and Cyril of Alexandria conclude a theological peace by compromise over Nestorianism
448 Third persecution of the Persian church under Yazdegerd II, including the massacre at Kirkuk
c. 460 Formal split between Syrian Monophysites and Syrian Nestorians
470 Ma'na, another student of the School of Edessa, writes religious discourses, canticles and hymns in Pahlavi for use in the Persian church
482 Emperor Zeno (Constantinople) issues the Henoticon, an edict of union designed to bridge the gap between the Monophysites and the Orthodox
484 Persian Church Council in Jundishapur approves marriage of bishops, honors memory of Theodore of Mopsuestia and adopts a Nestorian confession of faith under influence of Barsauma, Metropolitan of Nisibis
Rome, angry at Constantinople over the Henoticon, excommunicates Emperor Zeno and the Patriarch of Constantinople
486 Fourth General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Acacius) officially adopts Nestorian Christology and affirms right of priests and bishops to marry
489 School of the Persians in Edessa closed for last time by Roman Emperor Zeno, resulting in remaining Nestorians fleeing to Persian Empire to relocate in Nisibis
496 Narsai draws up rules for School of Nisibis
497 Fifth General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Babai II)
498 Nestorians accompany Shah Kavad I to Turkestan and evangelize the Hephthalite Huns, north of the Oxus River
c. 500 The Arabs of Najran (southern Arabia) become Christians
519 Constantinople repudiates the Henoticon, ending its schism with Rome
522 Beginning of persecution of Christians by Jewish Himyarite kings of Yemen
523 The Ethiopians invade Arabia in response to pleas for help from Christians in Najran
The Himyarites defeat the Ethiopians and massacre the Christians of Najran
527 Jacob Bardaeus arrives in Constantinople
c. 535 The Hephthalite Huns learn to write, as a result of the work of Nestorian missionaries
540-552 Patriarchate of Mar Aba I, greatest Nestorian patriarch under the Sassanids
542-578 Jacob Bardaeus wanders throughout Syria, consecrating Monophysite priests and bishops
544 Sixth General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Mar Aba I) adopts the creed and decrees of the Council of Chalcedon
Some persecution of Persian Christians
549 Bishop consecrated for the Hephthalite Huns
554 Seventh General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Yusuf) appoints metropolitans for Merv and Rewardashir
566/7 Eighth General Synod of the Persian Church
570 The Battle of the Elephant, in which the Meccans defeat the invading army of Christian Ethiopia
571 Henana becomes director of the school of Nisibis and proceeds to deviate from Nestorian orthodoxy
575 Yemen becomes a Persian province with some probable conversion of Christians there to Nestorianism
579 Reference to a Nestorian Mar Sergius settling in China
581 Turkish prisoners captured by Persians discovered to have crosses tatooed on their foreheads
585 Ninth General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Yeshuyab I) disapproves of Henana's teachings
596 Tenth General Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Sabaryeshu) condemns Henana's teachings, resulting in breakup of School of Nisibis
602 al-Numan, last king of the Christian Lakhmid Arabs, dies
628/9 Maruta named as first maphrian (chief bishop) of Jacobite church in Persian Empire
628-643 Patriarchate of Yeshuyab II, during which metropolitans are appointed for Herat, Samarkand and possibly India
635 Arrival of Alopen in China as first Nestorian missionary
638 Emperor Tai Tsung issues Edict of Toleration for Christians in China and first Chinese church is built at Chang'an
Synod of the Persian Church (Synod of Yeshuyab II) establishes Halwan as a metropolitanate
644 Eliyah, Metropolitan of Merv, converts a Turkish king and his army
650-660 Patriarchate of Yeshuyab III, at which time there are two metropolitans and more than 20 bishops beyond the Oxus River and a metropolitanate is possibly established for India
c. 670 Canons of Shimun (Simon), Metropolitan of Rewardashir, written in Pahlavi and later translated into Syriac
698-705 Persecution of Chinese Christians under Empress Wu
712-728 Patriarchate of Saliba-Zalkha, during which metropolitanate of China possibly created
724-748? Visit of Christian physicians to Japan and reported conversion of Empress (according to tradition)
744 Arrival of new Nestorian missionaries in China
Formation of the Uighur Empire in Mongolia
755 Jacob, son of the Christian king of the Uighurs, joins with Kuang, son of the Chinese emperor Hsuan-Tsung, to put down the rebellion of An-Lu-Shan
756 Turkish general Tsz-i, a Nestorian Christian, defeats the rebel Amroshar
c. 760-790 Possible writing of a letter purported to be by Philoxenus which mentions Christianity among the early Turks
775 Patriarchate moved from Seleucia-Ctesiphon to Baghdad
779-823 Patriarchate of Timothy I, greatest Nestorian patriarch under the Arab Caliphate, during which metropolitans are appointed for Armenia and Syria and the Kaghan of the Turks is said to have been converted
779 or 781 Nestorian monument erected in Hsi-an-fu
Bishops consecrated for the Turks and for Tibet
807 Caliph Harun al-Rashid orders some churches to be torn down
830 Dar al-Hikmah ("House of Learning") established by Caliph al-Ma'mun, composed primarily of Nestorians
830s The Kirghiz drive the Uighurs west to the Tarim Basin
845 Imperial Edict in China results in persecution for Nestorians
849/50 Caliph al-Mutawakkil deposes the patriarch and institutes persecution of Christians
c. 850 Probable date of the Kerala copper plates, which give details of Christians in India
878 Last definite reference to Christians in China before the Mongol era
981 Visit of Nestorian monks to China finds no traces of Christian community left
1007-1008 Conversion of 200,000 Kerait Turks
1063 Metropolitan ordained for Khitai (northern China)
1065 Establishment of Nestorian metropolitanate of Jerusalem
1095 Pope Urban II issues the call for the First Crusade
1097 The first Crusaders arrive in the Middle East
1099 The Crusaders capture Jerusalem
1142 Formal reconciliation between Nestorian patriarch and Jacobite primate
c. 1180 Metropolitan appointed for Kashgar
1187 The Muslims, under Saladin, recapture Jerusalem from the Crusaders
c. 1200 Suleyman of Bakirghan, a subject of the Khwarezmshahs, writes a poem on the death of the Virgin, inspired by Nestorian writings
1249-1345 Date of inscriptions on Nestorian gravestones near Bishkek
1252 Death of Sorkaktani, Christian mother of Mönke (Mangu), Hulagu and Kublai Khan
1253 Visit of William of Rubruck to Karakorum
1258 Overthrow of the 'Abbasid caliphate by the Mongols, led by Hulagu, the first Il-khan
1260 Capture of Aleppo and Damascus by Kitbuka, Christian Mongol general
Defeat of the Mongols by the Mamlukes at 'Ayn Jalut
1260-1264 Civil war between Kublai Khan and Arikbuka (who was backed by Mongol Christians)
1264 Bar Hebraeus becomes Jacobite maphrian of the East
1265 Death of Hulagu and Dokuz Khatun, his Christian wife
1265/6 Maffeo and Niccolo Polo reach the court of Kublai Khan
1277?-1279 Journey of Markos and Rabban Sauma from Khanbalik to Baghdad
1278-1281 Governorship of Mar Sergius (a Nestorian Christian) in Gansu Province, China
1280 John of Monte Corvino's first mission to Persia
Defeat of the Mongols by the Muslims in the Middle East
1281 Election of Markos as Yaballaha III, first and only Turkic Nestorian patriarch
1284 Bar Hebraeus restructures the Jacobite church in the Persian Il-khanate
1287 Rebellion of Nayan (nominal Christian) against Kublai Khan
1289 Kublai Khan creates a department to deal with Christians in his empire and appoints Nestorian Ai-hsueh as its first president
1289-1290 Other Mongol diplomatic missions to Europe
1291 Monte Corvino stops in India en route to China, visits the tomb of St Thomas, and baptizes 100 people as Catholics
First Catholic mission to China, led by Monte Corvino, reaches Khanbalik
1298 Death of Ongut Christian Prince George in the service of the Mongols
The Uriyan-gakit, a Turkic tribe, is recorded as having a Christian queen (possibly the sister of Prince George)
1307 Monte Corvino appointed Catholic archbishop of Khanbalik
1310 Muslim massacre of Christians in Arbela
1318 Last recorded Synod of the Nestorian Church in Persia elects Timothy II as patriarch
Pope John XXII divides Asia into missionary districts, giving China to the Franciscans and Persia to the Dominicans
1320 Catholic bishopric established in Almaliq (Kulja)
Catholic vicarate of Cathay (China) established
1321 Jordanus, a Dominican monk, arrives in India as the first resident Catholic missionary
1322 Odoric of Pordenone, a Franciscan monk, arrives in China
1324 Odoric of Pordenone visits the tomb of St. Thomas in India but finds only Nestorians there (not Catholics)
1326 Chagatid Khan Ilchigedai grants permission for Catholics to build a church dedicated to John the Baptist in Samarkand
1328 While in Italy, Jordanus is consecrated as the Catholic bishop of Columbum (Quilon, India) with a mission of converting the Muslims and bringing the Nestorians into the Catholic Church (but he never returns to India)
1334 Chagatid Khan Buzun allows Nestorians and Jews to rebuild churches and synagogues and permits Franciscans to establish a missionary episcopate in Almaliq
1339 Christians in Almaliq (including Catholic bishop and priests) massacred by Muslims
1340 Nestorian college for "Tatars" still operating in Merv
1342 John of Marignolli, last resident Catholic bishop of Peking, arrives in China
1346 Chagatid khanate again splits into western and eastern Turkestan, both effectively ruled by Turkic governors
1348 Catholics leave Persia
1374 Date of a Nestorian lectionary written in Samarkand
1401 Timur sacks Baghdad, killing thousands of Muslims and Christians
1403-1406 Clavijo, Spanish ambassador from Castile, at the court of Timur
1440 Nicolo Conti reports meeting Nestorians in "Cathay" (China)
1490 St. Thomas Christians from India travel to the Nestorian patriarch in Gagarta, near Mosul, to bring back bishops for India
1498 The Portuguese arrive in India and begin to force many Nestorians to convert to Catholicism
1503 Patriarch Mar Eliyah consecrates Metropolitans for India, Java and China
1542 St. Francis Xavier arrives in India
1552 Formation of Chaldean Patriarchate (Uniate body in communion with Rome)
1608 Matteo Ricci reports finding a small remnant of Nestorians in China
1625 Discovery of Nestorian monument in China
1665 Jacobite bishop appointed for India
1670 Chaldean Patriarch cuts off ties with Rome
1831 Arrival of first American missionaries amongst Nestorians
1846 Revival in Nestorian girl's school
Printing of Syriac New Testament
Kurdish masscre of 10,000 Nestorians
1852 Printing of Syriac Old Testament
1855 Formation of Protestant Nestorian congregation
1885 Discovery of Nestorian cemetaries in Russian Turkestan by Russian explorers
1917 Nestorian Patriarch Mar Shimun murdered by Kurds
1935 The Patriarch and many other Nestorians emigrate to USA and other Western countries