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Форум "Наука"

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Публикува (edited)

Богомилите не могат да имат книги! Богомилските вярвания и извращения го забраняват и изключват! Нито икони, нито църкви!

Има други гностически и паганистични книги, църкви, олтари, светилища, икони, но никога не е имало богомилски, нито някога ще има! И въобще е много грешно развитието на гностицизма да се свързва с богомилството! Богомилството е екстремистки задънен клон на гностицизма, който няма как да има някакво последващо развитие, поради вярванията си!

Редактирано от skiahtro
Преди 15 часа, skiahtro said:

Богомилите не могат да имат книги! Богомилските вярвания и извращения го забраняват и изключват! Нито икони, нито църкви!

Има други гностически и паганистични книги, църкви, олтари, светилища, икони, но никога не е имало богомилски, нито някога ще има! И въобще е много грешно развитието на гностицизма да се свързва с богомилството! Богомилството е екстремистки задънен клон на гностицизма, който няма как да има някакво последващо развитие, поради вярванията си!

Bulgarorum haeresis🌐


Още е жива и е под много форми. 

Изворът сме Ние !.................................Демоните на слънчевото острие, Меча на Съдбата, Върховното Оръжие, ..............БОГОУБИЙЦИТЕ !

  • Потребител
On 10/29/2021 at 9:26 PM, Boyce01 said:

Hello! Greetings from Slovakia dear friends. Lately I have been thinking about one thing - how come Bulgarians are not as religious as their neighbors like Serbs, Romanians or Greeks? I want to say that historically Bulgaria (right after the Great Moravia, which has long passed) is the cradle of Slavic Christianity and writing. The church and the faith have played a huge role in maintaining the Bulgarian national identity and knowledge, and in my opinion the fact that the Bulgarian people are fighting so hard for their religious freedom and independence is highly respected. There are also many many saints who were also great minds and scholars such as Ivan Rilski and Kliment Ohridski https://mobdro.bio/  https://kodi.bio/ and many many martyrs and people's figures who gave their lives and blood for their freedom, faith and homeland.

But here's the thing - maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just ignorant, but I just really want to fix it and find out what's going on now. And what happens to that?

The Orthodox in Slovakia are mostly of Ruthenian origin and we are not many here, so I thought about it. I have no intention of offending anyone or being rude - I worked for a year and a half in Sofia, but I never had the opportunity to get more information on this issue then.

Thank you very much for your answers! Thanks and good night!

I got this,...

  • Потребител
Преди 3 часа, Boyce01 said:

Hello! Greetings from Slovakia dear friends. Lately I have been thinking about one thing - how come Bulgarians are not as religious as their neighbors like Serbs, Romanians or Greeks? I want to say that historically Bulgaria (right after the Great Moravia, which has long passed) is the cradle of Slavic Christianity and writing. The church and the faith have played a huge role in maintaining the Bulgarian national identity and knowledge, and in my opinion the fact that the Bulgarian people are fighting so hard for their religious freedom and independence is highly respected. There are also many many saints who were also great minds and scholars such as Ivan Rilski and Kliment Ohridski https://mobdro.bio/  https://kodi.bio/ and many many martyrs and people's figures who gave their lives and blood for their freedom, faith and homeland.

But here's the thing - maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just ignorant, but I just really want to fix it and find out what's going on now. And what happens to that?

The Orthodox in Slovakia are mostly of Ruthenian origin and we are not many here, so I thought about it. I have no intention of offending anyone or being rude - I worked for a year and a half in Sofia, but I never had the opportunity to get more information on this issue then.

Thank you very much for your answers! Thanks and good night!


Being religious is one thing, and believing in God is another. I will quote Dimitrios Karajanis, a professor of child psychiatry, a participant in the program "Psychiatry and Theology in Dialogue" in Greece. Here is what he says: "Religiosity is related to people's insecurity. It is an agonizing attempt to cover the fears of realizing death. Therefore, it includes first-hand feelings such as fears, remorse, anger, helplessness. Religion is a human invention and is therefore correctly written. that the gods were created in such a way as to resemble the people who created them.The projecting of human traits on the gods ultimately leads to greater uncertainty.Religious man follows religious rituals, but to obtain mercy. religion is a battle with evil.He feels the power of the evil master in his life, he is afraid of this battle, but at the same time he is attracted to it.He considers the devil, the exponent and ruler of evil, to be omnipotent who can penetrate life Therefore, he constantly deals with it and gives it content, attributing to it his helplessness, failures, thoughts and thoughts, and so alone with is a feeling of an involuntary being who at any moment risks being carried away by evil. He turned to God, not because he felt an irresistible attraction from His face, but as a hiding place from the forces of evil.

The man of faith lives essentially and authentically his trust in the infinite and inexpressible with human definitions of God's love. He experiences the life-giving mercy of God, the Creator of all, who revives fallen nature once and for all. He seeks the justice and judgment of God, after identifying it with His incomprehensible mercy, which seeks reasons not to punish, but to establish, save and manifest the human person. The person who experiences God's presence in his life does not expect life after death to receive justification. He does not deprive himself of anything to wait for retribution. On the contrary, he feels obligated to the grace that has been given to him. This grace, which disappears when he considers it his individual gain, and which multiplies when he shares it with others.



Публикува (edited)
Преди 10 часа, laplandetza said:

Bulgarorum haeresis🌐


Още е жива и е под много форми. 

Изворът сме Ние !.................................Демоните на слънчевото острие, Меча на Съдбата, Върховното Оръжие, ..............БОГОУБИЙЦИТЕ !

Нямаш си и на идея, за какво става въпрос...🙂

Но ако сте транссесксуални наистина може и да сте Вие...😀

Редактирано от skiahtro
Преди 15 минути, skiahtro said:

Нямаш си и на идея, за какво става въпрос...🙂

Но ако сте транссесксуални наистина може и да сте Вие...😀

Първоидеите , иде реч за Нас , са трудноприемливи, дори и да са Завладяващи! Те не са за слаби души. По тая причина са неознаваемо изменени с разнообразни разклонения, девиации, дори съвсем извратени.

Простата Идея, Няма Бог, Вие сте свободни и сте родени чисти, леки без тежести и задължения. Боговете поробват и убиват, бъдете готови да ги ликвидирате по всяко време и място, във всяка епоха, във всеки <космос> . Така звучи простото послание!

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"Форум Наука" е онлайн и поддържа научни, исторически и любопитни дискусии с учени, експерти, любители, учители и ученици.

За своята близо двайсет годишна история "Форум Наука" се утвърди като мост между тези, които знаят и тези, които искат да знаят. Всеки ден тук влизат хиляди, които търсят своя отговор.  Форумът е богат да информация и безкрайни дискусии по различни въпроси.

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