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Отиди на
Форум "Наука"

Turkey entered in WWII

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  • Глобален Модератор
Публикувано (edited)

Lets discuss this question - why Turkey didn't enter in the war, and what were happened if they were. Could they change the world history. When nazy forces are in Caucasus and Turkish army attacks from the south it will be very difficult for the russians to hold them. And if they get to Stalingrad...

Редактирано от Warlord
  • Потребител

I think Turkey saw the Iran's occupation by Soviet and English troops and did not want to follow Iran's exemple:



  • Глобален Модератор

So why then they didn't enter in the war on the USA/USSR side? This were bring them some benefits for sure.

  • Глобален Модератор
Публикувано (edited)

So why then they didn't enter in the war on the USA/USSR side? This were bring them some benefits for sure.

Turkey and Spain made the wisest choise - not to get involved in this horrible massacre. Of course turks remembers the help from USSR, through which they stopped the greek invasion.

Do you know who is the generals at te back of this monument, dedicated to Ataturk:


Редактирано от Last roman
  • Глобален Модератор

Spain is so far from Eastern front, but even that, they participate there with 1 division. I think that Turkey have the chanse to change the history and turns the war if they joins one of the waring sides.

  • Глобален Модератор

Spain is so far from Eastern front, but even that, they participate there with 1 division. I think that Turkey have the chanse to change the history and turns the war if they joins one of the waring sides.

I'm not so sure.:)

  • Потребител

So why then they didn't enter in the war on the USA/USSR side? This were bring them some benefits for sure.

Once entered on SU's sides they could loose their European part immediately, it would be occupied by German's allies.

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