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Форум "Наука"

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1.Peter Charanis. "The Monastic Properties and the State in the Byzantine Empire". - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 4 (1948)


2.Peter Charanis. "Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire". - The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Autumn, 1953)

Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire.pdf

3.Peter Charanis. "Ethnic Changes in the Byzantine Empire in the Seventh Century".- Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 13 (1959)


4. Peter Charanis. "The Transfer of Population as a Policy in the Byzantine Empire". - Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Jan., 1961)


5.Peter Charanis. "The Monk as an Element of Byzantine Society".- Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 25 (1971)


6.Peter Charanis. "Cultural Diversity and the Breakdown of Byzantine Power in Asia Minor".- Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 29 (1975)


7. Vladimir Minorsky. "Roman and Byzantine Campaigns in Atropatene".-Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies XI, 2(1944)

Minorsky_Roman and Byzantine Campaigns in Atropatene.pdf

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1. Glaire D. Anderson. Islamic Spaces and Diplomacy in Constantinople (Tenth to Thirteenth Centuries C.E.). Medieval Encounters 15 (2009).

Islamic Spaces and Diplomacy in Constantinople.pdf

2. Byzantine Intelligence Service.

Byzantine Intelligence Service - Virginia Military Institute-Dvornik 3.pdf

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Публикувано (edited)

1.Сказкин, С.Д, ,,История Византии. Том 1", Москва: Наука, 1967


Первый том труда 'История Византии' охватывает события с середины IV до середины VII века. В нем рассказано о становлении и укреплении Византийской империи, о царствовании Юстиниана и его значение для дальнейшего развития государства, о кризисе VII в. и важных изменениях в социальной и этнической структуре, об особенностях ранневизантийской культуры и международных связях Византии с Западом и Востоком.

2.Сказкин, С.Д, ,,История Византии. Том 2", изд. Москва: Наука, 1967


От периода византийской истории с конца VII до середины IX в. осталось мало источников. Почти полностью отсутствуют акты и подлинные документы. Сравнительно невелико количество сохранившихся монет. Почти совершенно нет архитектурных памятников того времени. Археологический материал, отражающий этот период, тоже крайне беден.

3. Сказкин, С.Д, ,,История Византии. Том 3", Москва: Наука, 1967


Последний период византийской истории обеспечен историческими источниками значительно лучше, нежели предыдущий. Это не удивительно, ибо в XIII—XV вв. люди писали больше, чем в раннее средневековье, да и то, что было написано позднее, сохраняется, как правило, лучше. Именно к этому времени относится основная часть неопубликованных произведений византийских писателей — множество писем и речей, хранящихся в разнообразных архивах. Напротив, археологические материалы, памятники эпиграфики, сфрагистики, нумизматики XIII—XV вв. сохранились в сравнительно малом количестве и не играют существенной роли для изучения поздневизантийской истории.

Редактирано от Петър Петров
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Публикувано (edited)

Акрополит, Г., ,,Летопись логофета Георгия Акрополита", (1863)


Бел. мод. Aspandiat.

Петре, недей да копираш половината книга. Дал си линк, достатъчно е. Който иска да чете, ще се оправи. :117:

Редактирано от Aspandiat
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1. Religious Intolerance in the Later Roman Empire. Submitted by Philip Tilden to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Classics. September 2006

Religious intolerance in LRI.pdf

2. С. А Иванов. В поисках Константинополя. Москва, 2011

Иванов С. А. - В поисках Константинополя - 2011.pdf

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1. Nevra Necipoglu (Невра Неджипоолу). Byzantium Between the Ottomans and the Latins. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Necipoglu - Byzantium Between the Ottomans and the Latins.pdf

2. The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire (500-1452). Cambridge University Press, 2009

Cambridge History Byzantine Empire.pdf

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Iorga, Nicolae - Histoire de la vie byzantine I. L'empire oecuménique (527-641) (1934).pdf

Iorga, Nicolae - Histoire de la vie byzantine II. L'empire moyen de civilisation hellénique (641-1081) (1934).pdf

Iorga, Nicolae - Histoire de la vie byzantine III. L'empire de pénétration latine (1081-1453) (1934).pdf

Александр Васильев: "Книгата на Николае Йорга съдържа голямо количество информация по всички въпроси на византийската история, ценни бележки и оригинални, понякога дискусионни, идеи."

Ако пък сте срещали (чували) това прословуто "Византия след Византия" и се чудите от къде е, или пък кой го е "измислил", ето ви перфектният скан на изданието от 1971 г., че сканът на това от 1935 г. е в кофти качество (на места - не добре сканирани, размазани страници):

Iorga, Nicolae - Byzance apres Byzance (1971).pdf

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Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. Constantine Porphyrogenitus and His World (1973).djvu

Arnold Toynbee's "Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his World" is one of the most comprehensive studies of any single period of Byzantine history ever written. This massive book is 768 pages long and it includes five detailed thematic maps. The title clearly illustrates Toynbee's scope. He wanted to provide readers with a study of the person Constantine Porphyrogenitus and snapshots of a what Constantine's world was like.

"Constantine Porphyrogenius and his World" is divided into five separate parts:

Part 1 is a biography of ninth century Emperor Constantine Porphyrogeniuts.
Part 2 is a study of the East Rome Empire from the 700s to approximately the year 1000. In this section, Toynbee has written essays on trade, land ownership, taxation, the palace, Constantinople, the army-corps districts, autonomous city states, the army and the navy.
Part 3 is a study of foreign relations. In this section, Toynbee has written articles on the history of the age, Bulgaria, the Eastern Muslims, Armenia and the Caucasus, the peoples in the northern steppes, the western Europeans and diplomacy.
Part 4 is a study on Byzantine civilization from this era. Articles in this section include studies on the origins of Byzantine civilization, public administration, religion, aesthetics, and language.
Part 5 is a detailed study on Constantine Porphyrogenitus' own works. This includes essays on Constantine's interests, purposes and sources of information.

The books also includes annexes that look at the chronicles that recount the history of the period 813-959, an essay on two military texts "Strateghikon" and "Taktitka" and a study on the Paulicians and Bogomils.

Toynbee deserves credit for his precision in the terminology that he uses. He takes pains to avoid using latinized or anglicized forms for proper names and concepts from the time. Even if this approach has been followed by few Byzantine historians, Toynbee clearly defines and identifies the confusing terms that appeared in the historical sources. Toynbee also has done an excellent job at placing this history in its context. He concisely identifies the origins of the themes he is studying and many of the lasting effects of these themes.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is seriously studying Byzantine history or the history of the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries. "Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his World" would be of interest to anyone who is looking for a general introductory work on Byzantine civilization. Finally, this is by far the best study on the Emperor Constantine Porphrogenitus and if you want to learn about him, read this book.

Mark D. Merlino

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