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Отиди на
Форум "Наука"

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  • Глобален Модератор
Публикувано (edited)

Човешката глупост наистина няма граници. За съжаление доста голяма част от човечеството разсъждава по такъв примитивен начин:




A blithering idiot, far too stupid to realize just how deeply dumb she truly is decided to tell science where to get off. Megan Fox—not to be confused with the gorgeous Hollywood actress—has uploaded a video of her visit to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago to YouTube for all the world to see point and laugh at.

Since it would be pointless to go into it any further—she’s an idiot, she homeschools her kids and she’s a f***ing dingbat with her own YouTube channel so she can inflict her low IQ buffoonery on everyone else, these three things should suffice—here’s how Megan herself describes what you are about to see:

This video is currently being torn apart like red meat by the wry wolves over at reddit:

In November 2014, Megan Fox toured the Field Museum’s “Evolving Earth” exhibit to audit it for bias. She found many examples of inconsistencies and the Field Museum’s insistence that people support opinion as fact without proof. The Field Museum pushes certain theories as if they are absolute proven law when that is not how the scientific method works. She found enough bias to show that the people who put this exhibit together at the Field Museum pushed an agenda with quasi-religious overtones: the cult of “science” where the “scientists” are more like high priests pushing a religion instead of using the correct scientific method. Aside from having time machines, there is no way these people can be this certain about things they speculate happened millions of years ago before recorded history.

She’s so stupid that she doesn’t even know she’s stupid.

More of the “If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?” and ‘You weren’t there, you didn’t see it.” arguments.

“You weren’t there, you didn’t see it.” I have never been able to grasp how individuals who use this argument are incapable of seeing the irony of their own statements.

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, is this bitch still an idiot?

Yes. There is no circumstance in which she isn’t an idiot. This incident has permanently collapsed her wavefunction.

There are an infinite number of universes. She is a complete idiot in all of them.


UPDATE: More from reddit. You know she’s reading them, but will they have any effect on a plank like Megan?

Exactly my thought. I barely watched any of it, but I saw her saying something along the lines “..don’t tell me what you think on how animals started from a cell, you don’t know so don’t tell me you do, or my kids….” Yet I’m sure her religion has a creation story that they can prove either…. It’s just so weird to see someone reaching like that for an argument, and them thinking it’s solid.

“I don’t know what this word is” she says. Then maybe don’t act like you are an expert on the topic?

I love that she begins her attempt to disprove evolution with an admission that she has no idea how to even pronounce the word.

One of the simplest principles of biology….That’s how I knew she had no education.

I’ve thought about how to respond to people that have the “If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?” argument. It’s surprising hard to counter, mostly because the people with that frame of mind are stubbornly stupid.

I think the best way to elucidate the issue for them is to ask - if the original colonies in America came from Europeans - why are there still Europeans?

That’s a pretty good analogy. The best I could come up with is, say you make some dough. You throw half of it in the oven and it becomes bread. So if bread comes from dough, why is there still dough?

Might as well disable comments so no one can actually explain to me why I’m wrong! LALALALA CAN’T HEAR YOU!

This is the kind of thing the rest of the world sees and thinks that this is what Americans are like… BECAUSE WE ARE.

Fox probably votes in every election, too. DO check out her videos about the “problem” in her local library. It’s a real saga. Fox also reviews YA books looking for “subversive” messages and she is a featured contributor on goofball / rightwing / old people’s blog PJMedia. She is working on a book which she claims “will be an exhaustive investigation into the myriad of ways that our children are corrupted by the Left’s anti-American and anti-Christian propaganda.”

The top post on her Facebook page currently is this:


Trust me, have a look at what she’s got there on her Facebook page. It tells a very “interesting” story. Not necessarily the one ol’ Megan thinks it tells, but a very “interesting” story nonetheless. Bless.

Редактирано от Last roman
  • Глобален Модератор
Публикувано (edited)

Нали не се очаква тук да отговаряме на глупостите на тая особа?

“If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?”

Може и да се бъзикате, ама тоя въпрос са ни го задавали тука, в тоя форум, в тоя раздел!

Макар, че от години креационистите изчезнаха оттук, с което обаче опустяха и дискусиите в раздела. Тъжна картинка като цяло.

Редактирано от Warlord
  • Глобален Модератор

ми да, родните креационисти предадоха форума и се изнесоха към фейсбук, затова се налага внос на идиоти отвъд океана. Там си имат достатъчно.

Иначе още в началото разсъждението й за еукариотите цепеше мрака /ето защо я признах за достойна да бъде изтипосана тук/. Явно жената никога не е изучавала биология.

  • Потребител

Изобщо тази мания с креационизма идва в основата си от братята американци. Не че не е имало( и сега има) много такива и в Европа, де. Интересното е, че тези, с които аз съм имал вземан-даване определено бяха все интелигентни хора, познавам даже научни сътрудници от БАН, при това даже биолози, които приемат дори думата еволюция на нож. Пример: http://www.bgflora.net/index_bg.html

А за фейсбука- то заради споменатото изтегляне на креационистите там и разни други неща не го използвам.

  • Потребители

Не знам за каката, ама този дето е написал английския текст, с който започва темата е изключително прост. Толкова много епитети и изобщо не може да се разбере какъв му проблемът. Може би с показаното тъпоумие е искал да убеди читателите, че има еволюция и той е доказателството, тъй като се намира все още в стадий много близък до братчедите. :grin:

  • Глобален Модератор

Не знам за каката, ама този дето е написал английския текст, с който започва темата е изключително прост. Толкова много епитети и изобщо не може да се разбере какъв му проблемът. Може би с показаното тъпоумие е искал да убеди читателите, че има еволюция и той е доказателството, тъй като се намира все още в стадий много близък до братчедите. :grin:

проблемът е да изгледаш филмчето и сам да стигнеш до извода на пича, написал статията /между другото - шапка му свалям, че е отделил време и желание да напише какво точно мисли за този отпадък/. Което разбира се ще е трудно, ако нивото ти на познание корелира с това на героинята на филмчето. Но, Галахад, please, ние това за теб това отдавна го знаем:)

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Може да публикувате сега и да се регистрирате по-късно. Ако вече имате акаунт, влезте от ТУК , за да публикувате.

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