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Отиди на
Форум "Наука"

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Не сте ли обърнали внимание ,че извънземните кораби който сме виждали на снимки с годините стават по модерни ? това което имам предвид е ,че хората си ги мислят ... другото е ,че не вярвам една развита цивилизация която може да дойде до нас през космоса да се разбие тука ,технологично тя няма да бъде застрашена от земята ,атмосфера ... гравитация. има извънземни ,но защо се крият? може би не сме готови да ги видим? а може би са сред нас но са маскирани?

ако не искат да знаем за тях ... няма да разберем тва е. глупости за рептили не ми се вярват ,защо ще играят кат клоуни а направо не ни поробят ако им е цел? може да ни помагат скришно но обратното не.

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The Army and a UFO Group Are Investigating...Something

To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, the organization led by former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge, will work with the Army to “characterize” technology under the organization’s control, and then use the tech to improve military vehicles. We have a lot of questions about this bizarre partnership, starting with the most important: Where did the technology come from?

To The Stars, which released the infamous Navy-confirmed UFO videos, made the announcement today on its website, saying it has entered into a “Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command to advance TTSA’s materiel and technology innovations in order to develop enhanced capabilities for Army ground vehicles.”

CRADAs are a form of joint research agreement between an agency of the federal government and research organizations, particularly academia, in which the feds provide “laboratories ... personnel, facilities, equipment or other resources with or without reimbursement.”

According to multiple definitions of CRADAs on federal websites, the transfer of federal funding is prohibited.

TTSA describes its contribution to the agreement as “technology solutions” that include “material science, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion, and active camouflage.”

The Army will provide “laboratories, expertise, support, and resources to help characterize the technologies and its applications.”

“Our partnership with TTSA serves as an exciting, non-traditional source for novel materials and transformational technologies to enhance our military ground system capabilities,” said Dr. Joseph Cannon of Army Futures Command in the press release.
“At the Army's Ground Vehicle Systems Center, we look forward to this partnership and the potential technical innovations forthcoming.”

Where did TTSA’s impressive list of technology come from? The implicit answer is: UFOs, also known as Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).

UFO/UAP traditionally means anything we spot in the sky that's unusual. But here's the thing: Swamp gas and Venus sightings don't leave behind technology that's so advanced, it needs to be "characterized" by the federal government.

Whatever this technology is, and even To The Stars apparently isn't quite sure, it comes from what we commonly call flying saucers.

According to The New York Times, the Pentagon spent $22 million between 2008 and 2011 on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), an organization tasked with looking into UFOs. The program reportedly stored “metal alloys and other materials" that Luis Elizondo, then the director of the AATIP and now the director of global security and special programs at To The Stars, said had been "recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena."

In July, we reported that TTSA acquired “several pieces of metamaterials” sourced from “an advanced aerospace vehicle of unknown origin.” The organization claims it can track ownership of the materials all the way back to the mid-1990s. Exactly where the materials came from is anyone's guess.



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On 4.07.2018 г. at 18:25, ISTORIK said:

Ако съществуваха извънземни посещения от космоса, то се очаква да откриваме следите им не само днес в небето, но - и под земята.

Тоест не трябва да се заблуждаваме че супер яки космически кораби могат да идват само днес, а трябва да допуснем, че са идвали често и преди 200, 500, 1000, 10 000 години. Археолозите обаче не откриват някакви космически кораби и други подобни неща

а защо днес не се разбиват,да не мислиш,че корабите им са като китаиските боклуци...

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Може да публикувате сега и да се регистрирате по-късно. Ако вече имате акаунт, влезте от ТУК , за да публикувате.

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"Форум Наука" е онлайн и поддържа научни, исторически и любопитни дискусии с учени, експерти, любители, учители и ученици.

За своята близо двайсет годишна история "Форум Наука" се утвърди като мост между тези, които знаят и тези, които искат да знаят. Всеки ден тук влизат хиляди, които търсят своя отговор.  Форумът е богат да информация и безкрайни дискусии по различни въпроси.

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