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Форум "Наука"

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Някои румънски (предполагам че не само те) шпиони с прицел България чувстат голямата нужда да станат и журналисти. Например тази Адриана Дуцулеску/Adriana Duţulescu, която е написала доста добре документирана и информирана статия за Делян Пэвски, Канал 3 и румънската анти-корупционна прокурорка Кёвеши (тя има унгарско фамилно име, имала е унгарски съпруг).
Така голяма интересованост към България заедно с голямата информираност могат да принадлежат само на друг румънец, работещ за румънските тайни служби.
От тази статия аз научих че Пэвски бил турчин (може би помак?), въпреки името и презимето му, че той е собственик на Канал 3 и много други неща. Всички тези неща аз ги бях знаел.
Някои сайтове които са поели статията от сайта където Дуцулески работи, БН24, отидоха по-далече твърдейки че: Пэвски се опитал да "дискредитира" Румънската Дирекция против Корупцията (ДНА) чрез Канал 3 понеже не бил само слуга на Турция, а и на скорошната приятелка на Турция, Русия и Кёвеши имаше, по онова време, подкрепа от Запада.
Като че ли българска телевизия била способна да влияе поне малко върху ситуацията в Румъния. Обикновено никой не обръща внимание в Румънско на българското мнение за Румъния. Трябва да бъдеш агент на едно от седемте (!) румънски разузнавателни служби за това.

Сега интересно е да видим кои сайтове са поели въпросната статия от БН24.ро за да разберем кои са (поне някои от) сайтовете на румънските тайни служби или сайтовете където тяхното присъствие сред истински журналисти е доста голямо.











Освен тези, и сайтът http://www.justitiarul.ro/ беше поел статията но понастоящем е изтрита.

Първите 3 сайтове а и http://www.justitiarul.ro сигурно са на членове на румънските тайни служби. Вероятно и https://psnews.ro/

Това е Адриана Дуцулеску. Не е чак хубава но 🤣, може би, има дълги крака 😉. А и е много умна 😎 И говори български език, или, поне, руски 😯


Гугъл преводът на статията от bn24.ro

What wind from Russians blows in Ţuluş's cloths and how did Ţuluş become a weapon in the fight of the bulgarian mafia against anti-corruption
Doru Ţuluş is presented by TV channel Kanal 3 in Bulgaria as "the marvelous prosecutor" that blows up the anti-corruption fight in Romania, which reveals how Laura Codruţa Kovesi orders files and arrests without evidence. As we already know, the Bulgarians at Kanal 3 were at home in Ţulus to film with him an interview - a river about DNA and Kovesi that they broadcast today. In parallel, Traian Basescu was interviewed by the same TV station in Bulgaria, and his interview was broadly broadcast as a preamble to the one with Ţulus on July 20th. Basescu tells Bulgarian television that the DNA is similar to the former Securitate and that Romania has returned to the practices of the communist regime.
Bulgarian bossesThere is a TV station in Bulgaria sending a team to Romania to make simultaneous interviews with the former Romanian President attacking DNA and Kovesi, and with the prosecutor who has generated a huge scandal that strikes in the image of DNA and Kovesi.
Because in general the news about Bulgaria is not of great interest for the Romanian public, we can ask, by reciprocity, why the Bulgarian public would be interested in the news from Romania. And how is it that a Bulgarian television company sends a whole team to Romania to get the same reaction from two sources - against DNA and Kovesi.
There are more details that jump in this story.
Bulgarian and Russian1. One would be linked to Kanal 3, which is led by Apostol Apostolov, a graduate of Russian studies at the Faculty of Bulgarian and Russian Philology. At the same time, Kanal 3 entered 2013 in the spotlight of controversial politician Delian Peevski (details here), a Bulgarian oligarch who currently holds 20 press releases in Bulgaria and the monopoly of cable distribution in the neighboring country. In 2013, Delian Peevski was appointed head of the Bulgarian intelligence service, generating huge street protests because of his political and business connections. Following the protests, the Bulgarian parliament abrogated Peevski's decision to appoint SANS Bulgaria. The Inpolitics website writes that Peevski is "the absolute symbol of corruption in Bulgaria"
It should be noted that in the press in Bulgaria, as in politics (the new President Ramen Radev himself is rumphus declared), Russian interests have a great influence - an official report on the subject can be downloaded here
2. In March of this year, Laura Codruta Kovesi was invited to Bulgaria to present the DNA model to the Bulgarian authorities, as the neighboring country was, as it is today, a negative example in the EU on corruption , exasperating Brussels officials, after all attempts by Westerners to persuade Sofia bosses to abandon the oligarchic system and subjugation of justice by politicians and businessmen.
Kovesi's presence in Sofia was widely contested in Bulgaria.
According to novinite.com, the Romanian model of anti-corruption efforts has given rise to various reactions in Bulgaria, a country criticized by the European Commission for lack of results in the imprisonment of high-ranking politicians for corruption offenses. Thus, while the judiciary - including the VKS - is of the opinion that the Romanian model should be followed by Bulgaria, other Bulgarian dignitaries, such as Chief Prosecutor Sotir Tatarov, argue that the problems can be solved only if there is a reform of the Bulgarian magistrate .
On the other hand, an EPP MEP (of which Basescu's PMP is part of), very close to Monica Macovei, at that time made a huge scandal over Kovesi's participation at the Sofia conference, accusing her that it serves the mafia's interests.
DNA and Kovesi are therefore subjects on Bulgaria's agenda because of the West's efforts to create institutions in this country that will fight corruption against the Romanian model. It can easily be concluded that the two synchronous interviews between Băsescu and Ţuluş are part of a campaign aimed at attacking the idea of anticorruption, which is very similar to the techniques used in the informational war of the Russians attacking them in the eastern block of Europe institutions supported by the EU and the US.
3. It is notorious for the friendship between Ţulus and Daniel Morar, the former head of DNA. Equally notorious is the rivalry between Morar and Kovesi, and his desire to return, even intertwined, to the head of the DNA. Asked by Bulgarian journalists in the famous interview if he wanted to be the head of DNA in place of Kovesi, Ţulus said that ... he can not answer this question.



Редактирано от Иван Тодоров

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