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Форум "Наука"

Българите в арменските хроники

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Изключително интересно. Ето два откъса на руски и английски за хунската религия от книгата:



"These people were practising [a religion including] tree-worship, deluded into this fanaticism by satan. In accordance with their dull[cold]-witted Northern understanding, they thought that this filthy pagan practise—this delusional, fictitious, and false faith—was a great religion. If a person or an object happened to be hit by the thundering fiery lightning and heavenly fire, then they considered that person or thing a kind of sacrifice dedicated to the god K'uar. They also worship a gigantic wild monster whom they call T'angri Xan God, and whom the Persians call Aspandiat. [They worship him] using horses as a burnt offering. Since they have completely undisciplined minds, they practise every kind of error: beating drums, whistling over corpses, bloodying [themselves] by cutting their cheeks and limbs with swords and daggers, and holding naked swordfights. It was a diabolical sight, [to see] there at the graves man against man and detachment against detachment prepared for battle, naked. Many groups wrestled with each other and engaged in horse races riding this way and that in the orgy. Some spent their time weeping and moaning, while others played demonic games. They played their games and danced their dances with lewd acts, mired in benighted filth and deprived of the sight of the light of the Creator. They made sacrifice to fire and water, to some gods of the road, to the moon and to all the created things which they considered somehow wondrous."

"Now it happened that [the pagan Huns] worshipped tall leafy oak trees. These were dedicated to the loathsome Aspandiat. Horses were sacrificed to them and their blood was poured over the tree['s trunks] while the heads and skins were thrown over the branches. The bishop ordered that one of these trees—the principal one, the mother, and the tallest of them—be cut down. [This tree] had been dedicated in the name of their false gods, but many in the land of the Huns revered it, as did the prince and all the nobles since they regarded it as the divine savior and life-giver and bestower of all good things. Now when they heard that he had ordered the huge tree dedicated to the giant to be cut down, [a proposal] which greatly upset them and threatened to destroy them, they raised a clamor. The witches (kaxardk'), sorcerers (k'awdeayk'), wizards (vhukk') pagan priests (k'rmapetk'), and the common folk tore their garments and loudly shouted their protest to the prince of the Huns and to the grandees of the land. They cried: "How could you knowingly support and consider doing what our opponent and the enemy of our gods tells you to do, that is, to cut down that tree? Why did you ever listen to him and agree to demolish, wreck and ruin the altars of our temples which your fathers, kings and princes, built? To the present our entire land has worshipped them and received good gifts from the gods of these temples and from the sacred trees, [including] the increase of our people and power and victory in battles against your enemies. And now that you have such great regard for him, will you listen to what he says and give him the authority to remove and ruin and demolish the temples of your gods? Indeed, did you not receive good things and whatever else you asked for when you worshipped and offered sacrifices and gifts to the tree in the name of the brave giant Aspandiat? He made the sick well, he enriched the poor and needy. Furthermore it was through his power that we brought you rain during periods of scorching droughts and burning heatwaves, rain which cooled the great heat, made the plants and shrubs green, and ripened the fruit for your happy nourishment. And for you we appeased the thunderous roar of ethereal lightning from the clouds, and the heavy rains."

Robert Bedrosian

Нещата, които ми правят впечатление:

  • кланят се на някакъв бог Куар
  • Тенгри Хан Бог (както е представен в случая) е някакъв великан, който персийците наричат Аспандиат - нищо общо с Тенгризъм
  • принасят жертви на огън и вода
  • почитат някакви други богове по пътищата
  • почитат луната
  • почитат дървета (дъб)
  • жертвоприношения на коне

Вижте как са наречени магьосниците и жреците: 

  • sorcerers (k'awdeayk) - каудеик - като халдеи или колдуни от др. рус. кълдъ
  • wizards (vhukk') - вук, което аз го срещнах като влъхва на някакво друго място. И има логика, влъхвите (волхвите) са носили вълчи кожи.
  • Ето и на какво попаднах за този Бог Куар - Согласно Фасмеру, устаревшее «чары» («колдовство, волшебство») восходит к др.-рус. чаръ («колдовство, заклинание») > ст.‑слав. *čarъ[13], которое в свою очередь восходит к индоевропейскому глаголу *kuer («делать»). Тоест Куар може да се преведе и като "Създател/Творец".

Еми, не знам, но за мен това са индо-европейски/ирански думи и обичаи. Аз тук тюркски неща не виждам изобщо.


Линк за руската версия: История агван. Перевод с армянского. / Армения / Все книги / Главная / Библиотека исторической литературы (history-fiction.ru)

Линк за английската: Movses Dasxurants'i, History of the Aghuans, Armenian History, Caucasus History, Aghuan History, Iranian History, Atrpatakan, Azerbaijan, Caucasian, Albania, Ancient, Medieval, Armenia, Iran, Persia (attalus.org)

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За хуните сведението се допълва частично и от това на  Марцелин.


А като гледам местоположението на българите, някак Волжска България придоби по-различно значение.

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"Форум Наука" е онлайн и поддържа научни, исторически и любопитни дискусии с учени, експерти, любители, учители и ученици.

За своята близо двайсет годишна история "Форум Наука" се утвърди като мост между тези, които знаят и тези, които искат да знаят. Всеки ден тук влизат хиляди, които търсят своя отговор.  Форумът е богат да информация и безкрайни дискусии по различни въпроси.

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