Отиди на
Форум "Наука"

Препръчано мнение

  • Глобален Модератор

Резултатите от изборите в Англия бяха неочаквани. Но се очакваше, че Гордън Браун няма да остане на премиерския пост след като консерваторите взеха превес.

И все пак се наложи да се сформира управляваща коалиция, в която забележете консерваторите станаха партньори с либерал-демократите.

За първи път от 1945 г. Англия ще бъде управлявана от коалиционно правителство. Такъв компромис в традиционното еднопартийно управление на страната се е направил запоследно по времето на Чърчил в условия на глобален катаклизъм като ВСВ. Така че сега е доста странно, че се получи така. А пък аз доскоро си мислех, че безпринципните коалиции в парламента са си патент на нашенските жадни за власт партии, но...

Какво е вашето мнение по въпроса, как ще се развият нещата в Англия занапред?

  • Глобален Модератор

Коалциите са политическа техника, не е задължително винаги да са безпринципни. Подобна коалиция между Християн-демократите на Хелмут Кол и Свободните демократи на Ханс-Дитрих Геншер.

"Мене ми не е ясно" що за интереси защитават такива малки партии със странни имена и често чисто популистки платформи, но в съвременната политика класическото политическо представителство често изчезва и се заменя от разни формирования с неясно предназначение и замисъл.

Три неща правят впечатление

- популисткия вот за Ник Клег (продължавам да се чудя отде дойде и какво толкова различно иска?)

- разклащането на двуполярния модел в Англия, което не е толкова добро нещо, колкото изглежда на пръв поглед, но и

- класата на двамата лидери (за която хич не се чудя откъде идва ;) )

В България, като изключим 1 -2 политици, които имат истински политически и държавнически подход към материята, да наблюдаваш политиката е сеир и гротеска; В Обединеното кралство Великобритания и Северна Ирландия е доста по-приемливо, а по времето на Желязната лейди дори беше удоволствие.

Какво ще стане занапред? Ще зависи от поведението на Ник Клег и неговите хора. Рано или късно ще проличи защо са създадени. Ако той провали коалицията, тогава ще има избори, на които не е ясно дали пак ще бъде избран. Ако го направи в момент, в който лейбъристите са във възход, и така ги докара на власт, ще стане още по-ясно какво значат в политиката, пък била тя и британската, популистките послания.

  • Потребител

Коалиция между либерал демократи и консерватори е напълно обречена. Тези хора са идеологически противници, такова правителство няма да работи. Давам му живот до 6 месеца.

Ник Клег подкрепи лейбърите и подмени вота на хората, гласували за него в подкрепа на торите. Защото той предизборно декларира желанието си за промяна на досегашната политика. Така,че сега на практик,а за да може това да стане, трябват пазарлъци. А пазарлък тук обществото не би допуснало. Така, че в крайна сметка мисля, че с това си негово извъртане се преврърна в политически труп.

Консерваторите като цяло са се представили по-слабо по цялата територия на ЮК в местните избори, макар че все още имат предимство пред лейбъристите. Който е заварен от кризата на власт поема удари - независимо кой е той. Според мен ако консерваторите бяха спечелили през 2005 сега вероятно щяха да загубят - просто светът вече е толкова навързан, че монетарна и фискална политика по никакъв начин не могат да ти създадат изолация. Грешката на лейбърите е, че не можаха да махнат Гордън Браун навреме. Дейвид Милибанд наистина е много добър политик и ако той беше начело на Лейбър нямаше да са такива резултатите.

Ще видим в идните месеци - 6 милиарда са обещали консерваторите за тази година и либералите се съгласиха с половин уста на такива съкращения на разходите. Много ми е интересно какво ще се реже - много пари са, и с оптимизиране няма да го бъде - ще се кълца на месо. Всяко рязане за ефектиност, реже и работни места - по-малко хора могат да вършат същата работа и е по-ефективно. Просто лейбъра назначи много хора вместо да ги държи на помощи, а те са доста по-скъпи в момента от помощите. Та може и 60 млрд. да спестят ама ще има вой до небесата за всеки паунд пък камо ли за всеки милиард.

Ако не проработи коалицията - Ник Клег ще опере пешкира, защото избора с кого да се коалира беше негов. Макар че, според мене, той практически нямаше избор...

Така или иначе /за добро или лошо/ лейбърите трябваше да бъдат разкарани и се радвам, че се случи наистина...

Ето ги компромисите им в общата им политика:


Reducing the deficit is the most 'important issue' and will be sped up over the next five years

Emergency budget to happen in 50 days.

New borrowing and budget forecasts will be made by a new, independent Office for Budget Responsibility.

Both parties agree that the main burden will be placed on slashing spending rather than hiking taxes

The Tories plan for £6billion cuts in non front-line services for 2010-11 will start immediately, subject to Treasury and Bank of England advice.

The lowest paid will be protected from public sector pay cuts and other spending limits - although there are no details given for how.

The Government also aims to have more work programmes for the unemployed and a green deal for energy efficiency investment.


The 1p National Insurance hike from April 2011 will go ahead for employees but not employers, in a major U-turn on a policy that was at the very centre of the Conservative manifestor.

Personal tax allowances for the lowest paid will be raised incrementally to £10,000 over five years, starting next April.

Tory plans to raise Inheritance Tax thresholds have been shelved.

Tories' £150 tax break for married couples will proceed but Lib Dems can abstain in the Commons vote

Capital Gains Tax on non-business assets such as second homes and shares will rise to a similar level to income tax.

Air duty should become per-plane rather than per-passenger.There will be 'generous exemptions' from CGT for 'enterpreneurial business activities'.

Every effort will be made to tackle tax avoidance - but no clear policies are outlined.

Reductions will be made to Child Trust Funds and tax credits for higher earners.

Government spending

A full Spending Review and Strategic Security and Defence Review will be held and report in the autumn.

All tiers of government and the private sector will be consulted on cuts.

NHS funding will increase in real terms each year.

Overseas aid will still receive 0.7 per cent of national income

A 'pupils premium' will go to the most disadvantaged children, funded by non-education spending cuts.


A levy on the banks will be introduced and 'unacceptable' bonuses will be tackled in a way that will also help reduce risk in the sector.

An independent commission will look at separating retail and investment banks, with an initial report within a year.

Proposals will be brought forward to make the industry more competitive and diverse and to promote mutuals.

Increasing lending will be a 'core priority'. A major core loan guarantee scheme will be considered as well as net lending targets.

Regulation of banking will be changed, with the Bank of England handed overall control.

Political Reform

The parties have agreed to have fixed, five-year term parliaments - meaning the Prime Minister has no power to call a snap election.

The next general election date will as the first Thursay in May 2015 in a binding motion to be put before Parliament in the first few days.

Parliament can also be dissolved if 55 per cent or more of all MPs vote in favour.

A Referendum Bill will be prepared on electoral reform, laying out provisions for introducing the Alternative Vote if it is approved by the people.

It will also allow for the creation of fewer and more evenly-sized constituencies. Parties will be whipped to support a simply majority referendum on AV but the parties can campaign how they like in the run-up to the public vote.

Laws will be drawn up to allow for voters to recall their MP and force a by-election if they are found guilty of serious wrongdoing and 10 per cent of constituents have signed a petition.

A committee will be set up to look at making the House of Lords either wholly or mainly election, on the basis of proportional representation with draft motions by December.

The Bill is likely to call for long, single terms in office and a 'grandfathering system' for current peers.

Until then, appointments will be made with the aim to make the Lords reflect the share of votes won by the parties in the General Election.

Proposals by the Wright Committee for Commons' reform will be implemented in full.

Attempts to cut electoral fraud will accelerate with the introduction of individual voter registration.

A commission will look into the 'West Lothian question' where Scottish MPs can vote on laws only affecting England.

A referendum will be offered on more devolution to the Welsh Assembly.

Lobbyists will have to be on a statutory register, donations will be limited and party funding will be reformed to 'remove big money from politics'

A radical develotion of power and greater financial powers for local government and community groups will be promoted and there will be a full review of local government finance.

Pensions and welfare

The earnings link for the basis state pension will be restored from April next year.

There is a 'triple guarantee' that pensions will rise by the higher of earnings, prices or 2.5 per cent

The retirement age will be phased out and a review held on the date at which state pension age starts to rise to 66 held. It will not be sooner than 2016 for men and 2020 for women.

Rules forcing pensioners to buy annuities at 75 will be axed.

Equitable Life Policy holders will receive payouts for their 'relative loss' caused by regulatory failure.

Benefits payouts for anyone who can work will depend on whether they are willing to do so.

All existing welfare to work programmes will cease and a single new system set up to help unemployed people back into work.

Jobseekers' Allowance claimants will be referred to the welfare to work programme immediately, rather than after a year. Any claimants under 25 should be referred after no more than six months.

Welfare to work services will have their contracts redrawn based on how successful they are in getting people back into employment

Funding of the welfare to work programmes will be changed to reflect that initial investment brings savings later because of the lower benefits burden.


There will be an annual limit on non-EU migrants coming to the UK to live and work. How to enforce the cap has yet to be decided.

The Lib Dems have also dropped their controversial call for one million illegal immigrants to be granted an amnesty, a policy which saw Mr Clegg roundly attacked in the leaders' debates.

The cap policy will see an annual limit on the number of work permits granted to people from outside the EU only. EU residents will continue to enjoy free movement.

The coalition agreement states that the Lib Dems have agreed to the cap - but does not state at which level it will be fixed.

Precise details over how the cap will be implemented have yet to be hammered out, the document reveals.

The Liberal Democrats' idea imposing regional border controls on migrants to prevent them from working in more crowded parts of the country has been dumped.

The Tories agreed to one policy which will be attractive to LibDem activists - the end the detention of children for immigration purposes.


Parents will be able to set up new state schools.

Schools will have more freedom over the curriculum and will be held properly accountable.

University funding will be examined once Lord Browne's final report is completed. The Lib Dems can abstain on any problematic elements.


Joining the single currency has been ruled out throughout the Parliament.

No further transfer or power will be agreed over the course of the Parliament.

The Government will work to limit the application of the Working Time Directive that limits the working week.

Any future treaty that transfers power to Europe would be put to the people - a 'referendum lock' - and current laws changed to ensure transfers need primary legislation

The Government will look at a United Kingdom Sovereignty Bill to make it clear ultimate authority rests with Parliament.

It will 'strongly defend' British interests in the coming EU budget negotiations and will argue the EU budge should only focus on areas where it can add value.

The coalition will press for the European Parliament only to have one seat - in Brussels.

Laws on criminal justice will be addressed on a case by case basis to ensure British civil liberties are protected and our own justice system uncompromised.

Britain will not take part in the setting up of any European Public Prosecutor.


A Strategic Defence Review will report in the autumn.

The coalition is committee to keeping a nuclear deterrent and have agreed the renewal of Trident should be examined to ensure value for money.

The Lib Dems have the all clear to argue for alternatives.

The UK will play a strong role in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Review Conference and press for more progress on multi-lateral disarmament.

The document does not mention the Afghan War.

Civil Liberties Bill

A 'Great Repeal Bill' will be used to reverse the 'substantial erosion' of civil liberties under Labour and 'roll back state intrusion'.

They include: scrapping ID cards, the National Identity register, biometric passports and the Contact Point Database.

Children will not be finger-printed at school without parents' permission, CCTV use will be more regulated and internet and e-mail records will only be stored if there is a good reason.

The Freedom of Information Act will be extended to give greater transparency.

Libel laws will be reviewed to increase the protection of freedom of speech.

Safeguards will be implemented to stop the misuse of anti-terror laws which have been dubbed a 'snoops' charter'.

There will be a block on the expansion of 'unnecessary' new criminal offences.


An overall aim to promote a low carbon, eco-friendly economy.

A smart grid will be set-up and smart meters rolled out, also feed-in tariff systems for electricity.

A green investment bank, home energy improvement paid for by the savings from lower energy bills.

HIPs will be scrapped but energy performance certificates kept

An emissions performance standard to stop new coal power stations being built unless they are set-up to meet emissions performance standards.

A high-speed rail network will be set up but there will be no third runway at Heathrow. More runways at Gatwick and Stansted are also ruled out.

Air Passenger Duty will be replaced with a per-flight duty.

Looking towards a national recharging network for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

A commitment to reduce central government carbon emissions by 10 per cent in the next 12 months.

The Government will also aim to increase the target for energy from renewable sources.

The document takes care to ensure the parties opposing views on nuclear power should not become an issue that could bring down the government.

The Lib Dems are against any new nuclear construction but the Tories are committed to allowing new power stations to replace old ones as long as they go through usual planning processes.

The Lib Dems will be able to stay opposed to the plans but the Government is allowed to bring forward a national planning statement to put before Parliament.

A Lib Dem spokesman will be able to speak against this and Lib Dem MPs will abstain in a vote. The document says it will be made clear 'that this will not be regarded as an issue of confidence'.

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